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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. So have I and the Khardishans,Love Island etc etc.
  2. I will be shopping in the Coop and M& S when Tesco take over I do a split shop now I have been to Tesco and the items I buy were more expensive than Shoprite I expect it is swings and roundabouts , pet food was cheaper at Shoprite and coffee. Being retired I have time to shop around and compare prices and M&S soup and biscuits take some beating. I feel sorry for the people who are going to lose their jobs and the local firms that sell through Shoprite it is a sad day indeed. The next thing is Tesco will be going self service and more people will lose their jobs.
  3. The Labour Party over the water seem cool about a stall promoting these terrorists at the conference so they at probably following the big boys.
  4. Most restaurants and Hotels use gas to cook so they won’t be happy as their tourist season is still going until the end of October.
  5. Buying the flumes from Turkey should have put them off going too far afield to purchase stuff I have heard that South Korea has a good reputation for boat building but if things go wrong it is more complicated to get satisfaction. Are there no ship builders any nearer that could have done the job ? I believe it was a miss measurement that caused the problems with the flumes but that was a real work up.
  6. If they close the Onchan one most people will use the Coop or Marks and Spencers and they won’t want that. A lot of people do not like Tesco and Marks and Spencers have become more reasonable lately with good quality fruit and veg. The nearest Tesco would be Lake Road and that is not convenient. I think the Coop will do very well out of this.
  7. He likes to dance and howl at the moon ffs. He is a geriatric doctor loves old people it just gets better. Having never watched the programme I cannot diss it but if he is only 24 he has not had a lot of hands on experience in his medical career which may be short lived.
  8. If Jersey is anything like the IOM there will be little speculation as most people will know . There are no secrets in small jurisdictions.
  9. It could have been an enthusiastic DIY operation, anything is possible.
  10. Fancy the Guinness being off now that is unforgivable 🤣.
  11. I thought it was someone who had worked on the docks for years…could be wrong.
  12. Who was the woman that launched her ? That probably jinxed it should have been someone from the Island not some scouser 🤣
  13. Everything man invents gets improved I don’t expect you are old enough to remember the first T. V,s or the old black telephones or washing machines or Hoovers , on a bigger scale old planes, anything and everything is constantly being worked on to try and improve their performance . Perhaps a stronger, lighter material could be used, perhaps they could be improved in different ways. If they have been around 30 years they must have been improved and made more efficient through the years.
  14. If they are hell bent on having a wind farm, which I am not against but think it is premature, why don’t they do it properly and have enough turbines installed that would serve the whole Island. If four will serve a quarter of the population that would be 16 by my reckoning whilst they are at it do a proper job not twiddling around with a few there will be the same amount of upheaval landing them , transporting them and installing them. Grasp the nettles if there is a determination to follow this course. Myself I would have gone for solar first and then in a few years time when turbines have been improved gone for them.
  15. They must have had to or going to have to pay millions of compo to the poor souls families that perished in the gas explosion in Jersey if the are culpable.
  16. Perhaps they haven’t been paying their bills.
  17. They must be paying a good bit out for rent, rates , heating and stock so an expensive hobby. If they are not careful they will be both working full time to subsidise this experiment, I would not think there is a big enough population to furnish a niche business such as this. Their mentor seems to have disappeared off the forum with his vast experience, his words, in this trade I would have thought he would have given them better advice.
  18. People who are hungry or worse see their family hungry are one thing but some of the people who have been caught fiddling their benefits are not in that category they are just taking the proverbial knowing if they are caught they will just be told to pay it back at a going rate of about £10 a week , sometimes out of benefits. What is the deterrent? It is like taking out a long term loan without any interest with the chance of not being caught and not having to repay a penny. I do not believe that a fraction of the people that embark on such a journey get caught, it is quite tricky to prove someone who has a partner is actually living with them or just staying odd nights or if they are contributing to a household especially if they have employment with shift work or travel. That is just one example. One person recently had a large sum of money in a different bank account to the one they used. How much money is getting paid out fraudulently we will never know.
  19. I am not confused several people in my neighbourhood have invested in solar power some for a a few years now and they all seem pleased with the reductions they have seen in their electric bills. The sooner all new properties have solar panels as a matter of course the better, it is not much more expensive than a normal roof. I prefer to take the word of people I know than an expert who has a very closed view on everything that doesn’t include wind turbines.
  20. If it sees Christmas out I will be amazed.
  21. Unfortunately Garff was in the same position as Onchan at the last election a lack of talent and suitability in the candidates that stood , there was no one that stood out and you could really believe would do a good job so it as a case of best of bunch which is not the answer. I have voted all my life I believe if you don’t you cannot criticise but if it is the same lot standing again and I am still around I will not they have been worse than useless. People have a go at Alf , myself included, but when you see what he has to work with he must despair.
  22. Encouraging more people to invest in Solar would be great people I know who have had roof panels installed reckon it has been really effective inreducing their electricity bills.
  23. Stick the Peggy under it, there you go problem solved.
  24. The expert on all things has spoken 🤣
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