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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. The black economy has always been alive and well on the Island with regard to dodging tax but claiming benefits you are not entitled to is on another level completely. Doing a foreigner or mates rates or a favour with a cash thank you has always been around. These benefit fraudsters seem to get off lightly of course there is always the name and shame aspect which lasts for 100 years on the Island if you are local.
  2. A new landing stage well that won’t be cheap 🤣 it does not start or stop with the turbines there is a lot more to take into consideration but heigh Ho there is no shortage of money when there is a plan. It would be interesting to know how much this whole venture is going to cost when all the interstructure , installation etc is added up I bet the 42 million minus however much has been spent already will be well short of the amount needed for this cunning stunt. There have already been a team of experts giving a report on the proposed sites ching , ching.
  3. A friend had to go away and seek help when they had problems which were associated with the heart fortunately they have private health care so got an appointment very quickly. I think this is what the politicians involved with health care are counting on more people investing in private health care thus easing the load on Manx Care, this is what is happening with dental care I now go private because after years of being a NHS patient my dentist retired and I know other people who have had to do the same. If I was a young person with a family I would certainly have private health care and dental care for my family as a priority even if it meant doing without holidays etc.
  4. I heard this man on the radio this morning and felt so sorry for him he described his symptoms and they sounded really frightening. To cancel an appointment at 9.00am the day of the appointment is understandable if the cardiologist has taken ill or been detained on a life threatening case but then to add insult to injury to offer a replacement appointment in a years time absolutely beggars belief, unacceptable and ridiculous. What is happening to Nobles Hospital ?
  5. They are forging ahead before any comprehensive investigation of any depth has taken place. Typical just typical this madness will bankrupt the Isle of Man.
  6. The weird thing is the QE2 school was the only school that seemed to have pursued this programme I know St Ninians didn’t so perhaps the heads of other schools used their own discretion. It just shows how much interest the Education Authority shows about what our young people are being taught. The biology\science teacher used to cover this subject, why it was thought necessary to bring in an individual who was not a drag Queen but did drag for entertainment in their spare time to bang on about 60 + genders I cannot fathom. Woke nonsense.
  7. If a child is told at home there are two genders and then get told at school there are sixty four I think that would cause confusion.
  8. Both the Garff MHK s leave a lot to be desired the trouble is getting people to stand for election there is not a lot of incentive for people who have the ability to really make a difference, would you give up a good job with probably more money, chances of promotion and security for a position with a fixed tenure leaving aside the personal abuse and criticism you get directed at you.
  9. Parents should have a right if the subject is contentious I am so glad my children and grandchildren were not exposed to this sex programme at an early age which causes confusion amongst young people.
  10. There seems to be two cars to each house around our way so 600 cars ! That should prove interesting.
  11. I don’t find that in the least funny perhaps I am over sensitive as I am living with cancer.
  12. Is this learning or misconduct ? For me it is a concern that anyone with such little commonsense or lack of intelligence should even be serving in the police force.
  13. That nice Tim , remember him a few DOI ministers ago, promised us a new access road.
  14. In the meantime Manx Gas are sending a standard letter to all customers inviting them to increase the amount of their Standing Orders. How many people tried to ring and couldn’t get through said sod it and put the letter in the bin. Not many would have had the time or persistence Rox did.
  15. Link story on IOM Today yesterday. I think there could be problems through the winter when their customers extend their credit periods i.e. wait until the notice of withdrawal of supply comes because money is tight. People are not going out as much as they did to restaurants and their response to this has been to increase their prices which in the long run has a negative effect. Restaurants must be some of the biggest customers of Manx Gas if they start holding back payment there could / will be a big problem. We have enough problems with the MEA a government run gas company is the last thing we need. their
  16. Not all wild life were taken ☺️
  17. You forgot SWALK Gladys 🤣
  18. Manx Gas has been behind with their payments to the MEA 22 times in 12 months , sometimes the invoices have been as much as 30 days overdue and the Attorney Generals office have had to intervene . This situation does not look great.
  19. That is good news, that it has not closed just changed name etc, it is sad when you hear places have closed for whatever reason it always means a job loss for the people who worked there and grief for the owners.
  20. Apologies Banker I misread your post.
  21. So Banker you think patients of limited means ,young and old, should fork out £50 plus from Douglas and much more from the North, to go for an appointment in Liverpool because the local hospital is unable to deal with their illness ? Some people have not got this kind of money or relatives who can take them and collect them from the Airport. It is not exactly a fun day out. You must be a very miserable sort of person who would begrudge a sick person transport in a bus which is usually pretty full, sick people pay or have paid taxes too. Disgusting attitude with no pity or concern for people who are having a hard time with their health.
  22. John is absolutely correct in his summing up of the situation. My take is this cocky, condescending attitude has been building up on the police site for a good while now and perhaps now the proverbial has hit the fan the attitude will change. Warnings are good and by most people appreciated but there is a way of communicating and anyone with an ounce of intelligence would realise this. The police work hard at keeping a friendly relationship with the public which is beneficial to both parties and some stupid idiot destroys this in one fell swoop. There has been mention of the elusive Chief Constable on various social media platforms does he even exist ? Helix is correct in the private sector it would be whoosh……
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