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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. I hate Tesco and and shop between Shoprite, Manx Coop and M&S. You cannot get near the goods in Tesco for staff that are trying to fill the shelves and you have to feel sorry for them it must be frustrating. Also the car park is always busy with a walk down to the end but usually getting wet or blown. I know this is a sign of success for them because they are obviously doing great business but it just winds me up.
  2. I don’t think that one small van situated in the North could service the many people requiring this facility , but undoubtedly with your vast and superior knowledge ,despite not residing on the Island, you would know.
  3. I had cause to use the patient transport when I had a really bad accident and had to stay in a wheelchair they have modified some of the busses so the wheel chair can go up a ramp at the back and and be tethered with occupant in it for the journey. I have yet to see a taxi that can do that in fact there is always difficulty getting a taxi that accommodates wheel chairs. It is an absolute nonsense to compare taxis with these busses, they are a lifeline for some people, the taxi trade is on demand, door to door, when you want it be it when 1886 closes or the early boat and you pay for it quite rightly.
  4. I use this butter it is great and I remember about a year ago the Dairy announced it was not putting foil on top of the butter any more because of recycling. The foil got ditched as soon as you opened the carton anyway so it is not missed or necessary. One Karen on Facebook that is all it takes these days to start Buttergate off. Interestingly there were more comments on the butter saga than on the next posting regarding the possible demise of Work permits, it is so reassuring that the great general public have got their priorities right 🤣 .
  5. The worry is the one that has been placed back in the parent’s care. What mother would stand by and see her child beaten and not intervene, not one that is fit to raise a child.
  6. It is the police’s duty to protect the public and they have fallen down big time with their response to a call for help. No wonder it is hard to retain police in the force when they have to work alongside idiots like the one who thought they were being clever with their not so funny remarks. Their Facebook page is condescending and preachy I really don’t think they realise how they are disengaging with the public referring to them as Herberts and repeatedly telling them to enjoy but not drink too much. Who the hell do they think they are, they are public servants that is who,nothing more nothing less. We have MHKs or one at least who fell down on his sword doing that.
  7. There are quite a few of these tied up with patient transport a very welcome service especially as there are more clinics at RCH and Nobles are always busy . They are a vital service for transporting patients who need support , walking frames, wheelchairs and patients from nursing homes who need to attend clinics the driver and escort are experienced in dealing with less able people.
  8. The lesser spotted Chief Constable is either very shy or is operating off Island his silence on all matters is deafening.
  9. By the report on IOMToday the other child that was taken from the home has now been returned to live with their loving parents, a father that has been found guilty of physical abuse and a mother who escaped prosecution but stood by and did nothing whilst it happened. What a wonderful home to be brought up in poor kid.
  10. The girls were frightened phone contact to their parents wasn’t working they asked the police for help and what did they get public ridicule on Facebook. Shame on you the police no wonder you have lost a lot of public respect over the last few years the condescending way you speak to people on your Facebook is bad enough but to deny people in trouble assistance that is disgusting.
  11. You may not need a lot of cash to instal a heat pump but you would need a small fortune to insulate the average property I would suggest.
  12. They won’t be working for nothing plus their ITIP and pensions until they retire, may have transport provided etc and what have they actually achieved…absolutely nothing , which could be for the good as when nothing is being done minimum amounts of money is being wasted. They have forty two million pounds to play with or had at the beginning of this excercise of virtue signing shananigans. Don’t expect any figures in writing anytime soon and you won’t be disappointed.
  13. Facts never comes in the way of a good story or a bit of sniping Josem this is the Isle of Man.
  14. I doubt VOR does heritage and as for tradition, Oh dear, I think he has been at his mum’s sherry bottle tonight he is being more obtuse than usual.
  15. That was Zarley before auto correct got involved.
  16. Safely you are correct in all that you say, unfortunately no one is listening.
  17. If any Department needs taking apart it is the DFE . There appears to be no accountability as to how they waste money with their crack pot schemes.
  18. Straying from the subject is no strange event on this forum but this is in a class of it’s own from the Haka to pies, kippers to Irish dancing it is all very confusing 😆.
  19. This is the Isle of Man and I think the reason given for not sending him to prison is naive at best and sending a wrong message out to any other nasty, wicked men who think they can hide behind religion and any subsequent embarrassment the victim may feel to escape punishment. This poor girls school friends will no doubt know, neighbours will be aware that she is missing from the household and anyone involved in the case will know. The mother was not prosecuted but must have been aware of this cruelty ,shame on her. I am so glad this girl has found a refuge with foster parents it is a pity she did not receive the justice she was due.
  20. Obviously VOR is taking the proverbial.
  21. I wonder how much the investigation cost it was spun out for long enough the recommendations are commonsense and should have been in force before this farce started. It seems the Education Department does not scrutinise any content of matter that is circulated to schools the whole issue smacks of slackness and incompetence.
  22. It is an old rowing boat by handed down story and myth was involved in smuggling so not exactly anything to be proud of. Heaven knows how much has been spent on tarting it up and now the MHT has allegedly raised 3 million pounds by private subscription and are on the beg to Tynwald to give them another 3 million pounds of tax payers money to pay for a posh shed which will require upkeep and probably staff such as a cleaner and a guide to show the crowds of visitors an old rowing boat which, the story goes, was used long ago for smuggling. The cheek of the people concerned leaves me breathless do they not know we are skint. The Victorians had soup kitchens we have a food bank and homelessness, progress I don’t think so.
  23. The nearer you get to the core of the earth the hotter it becomes I think we all agree on that how far you would have to dig and how the heat would be transferred to actually heating buildings is well above my head. I do know though in countries that have hard, long winters some people dig deep holes in their driveways to stop them freezing over there again how deep you would have to go to get sufficient heat I do not know.
  24. I think two different subjects have got entwined here this thread is making even less sense than normal, if that is possible 😂 .
  25. I know a few people who have had solar panels installed and they all say they are effective, so why not concentrate on these for a while and encourage people to have them installed by a reduction in rates, grants etc. Social housing could have them installed gradually a slight increase in rents would be wiped out by a reduced electric bill. The Green Party could concentrate on getting rid of single use plastic water bottles they have no place in modern society if they want to be useful .
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