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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. I know of four people who have sold their houses and gone into sheltered accommodation and not for health reasons either .
  2. Yes , another good reason to house the Peggy in there it is MHT that is on the scrounge for 3 million towards building a super shelter for her, it will be costing about 6 million altogether!!!! Now that is a few new knees , hips etc or roughly half the estimated cost of a new school to replace Castle Rushen High School. Let us start getting our priorities right. All vanity projects should be put on hold or kicked into the long grass something this Government is experienced at. h
  3. I thought the guy that owned it, Raj, had taken over and done it up and the Italian boys were now running it or him.
  4. The position is there whether people like it or not and this Governor is filling the position with enthusiasm . Everyone who meets him says he is a down to earth likeable man probably the most hard working Governor we have had for a long time We are a Crown Dependency and we have to have someone to represent the King. I expect when he was in the army he had to get up early in the morning, I suspect even earlier than employees of our DOI who don’t start work at 6 in the morning and I think he may have got wet a few times.
  5. This is where a housing association would come in useful the rules and regulations could be made and administered by them as the problem at the minute is politicians will not get involved with bringing social housing into a means testing arena because it would be political suicide for them.
  6. I think the idea is a triage system rather than a refusal to send an ambulance. I think the whole new idea should be studied not just take the headlines at face value. As for Bankers statement that there are too many old people that is as uninformed as it is ignorant, their are many, many people over pensionable age in full or part time employment I worked until I was in my seventies as did a lot of people that I know. There are many people minding grandchildren so that their children can work in this day and age there is a need of two wages coming in to pay for mortgages, heat and fuel. The people who can afford to retire at 60 and good luck to them they have probably paid into a private pension for many years, are still paying tax and probably have private health insurance if they have had a good job.
  7. The Governor was attending the Manx Food and Drink Show not just a chilli eating competition as the press focused on. They are doing a lot of this lately, perhaps the new Editor thinks it is catching eye, we know papers do use headlines to attract attention but caption headlines usually show the essence in some form of he attached piece often the headlines do not relate to the full facts at all. Perhaps it is use me being picky.
  8. The British press are now warning dog owners about a poisonous type of algae that is spreading around ponds, rivers and coastal areas all over the country. It causes fits,seizures and other horrible illnesses. I wonder if this is the cause of dogs falling iIl lately on Douglas beach I would keep you dogs clear of it . What a pity this once lovely beach has ended up in this state not fit for man nor beast. I am not having a go at the council as there does not seem to be any easy answer. The subject was brought up on Mannin Line some time ago and I am sure, although I stand to be corrected, Wilf Young from Ramsey who apparently knows about tides said he did not think groynes would help and went onto explain why . The extended breakwater has certainly had an effect on the tidal flow in a big way.
  9. Of course everyone will be watching the big rugby game 🤣
  10. It is a pity it has collapsed they could have stuck Peggy inside, very fitting resting place near the harbour.
  11. Well Peel will always be the Sunset City for me and a lot of other Manxies.
  12. He did give plenty of pointers as to where you could look up his research and I think my cat knows more about wind power than the Green lot that are pushing to spend fortunes without any sort of solid foundation for their pie in the sky thinking. They have made their collective minds up we will have a wind farm no matter what and that is not clear headed thinking.
  13. Had Peel got the City but they already had a Cathedral.
  14. Quirky’s overview of the Conference certainly lacked detail apart from giving the guy who stood in for Julie, she is sick , a poor for presentation without mentioning what was mentioned in the presentation but was very fulsome in his praise for Alf, with twisted back, he managed to go on for quite a while without sharing any actual information at all apart from the fact there was 60 people in the Royal Hall which in its self does not show much public interest. Perhaps if they had got a Drag Queen to do the presentation there would have been more interest.
  15. There were some very interesting points made about wind farms today on Mannin Line if anyone is really interested they can use the listen again mode on MR the figures given at the Government conference regarding the amount of electricity these turbines produce was challenged and backed up by data which was quoted and available. I am no expert on this subject, far from it, but it did appear as if we are getting sold this venture into wind farming by total amateurs who are bigging it up without taking some factors into consideration. They seem to be treating the whole conception with the same mindset as a child has when they have set their sights on a particular toy. Did anyone else hear this ? I know there is a certain amount of drivel on ML but this was worth a listen.
  16. I wouldn’t call it whining I was call it realism .
  17. The Government were not helpful when Tesco wanted to expand their store as I remember.
  18. Chinese whispers, pub gossip and skeet . I think anyone in politics ,local or otherwise should avoid FB, Twitter etc like the plague it does them no favours, at the end of the day they are setting themselves up to be ripped apart .
  19. Trouble is there is no elsewhere to go to an Aldi or a Lidl would calm down the present rises they certainly keep an anchor on prices over the water. Perhaps the government could encourage one of these low cost stores to venture to our shores.
  20. We are told that inflation has leveled out apparently no one seems to have informed the local supermarkets about this. Week after week prices are still creeping up and not by small amounts either. I have been buying the stores own brand products for a while now but even they are increasing. Someone is making a lot of money and the public are suffering.
  21. That is what I heard today I had hoped it was just a rumour.
  22. The penny has just dropped that it is pie in the sky thinking and not going to happen so they are quietly pushing things back. Whether our lot will have the sense to follow suit remains to be seen. I wonder how much of the 42 million has been utilised by Daphne I doubt her team that are supposedly overlooking this project are working for free and then their ITIP and pension contributions have to be met no matter how little progress is being made.
  23. The numbers quoted are probably people who have been informed that the conference is on plus the pupils of all eligible schools and some more for luck.
  24. 2112 forgive me for suggesting an amendment to your post i.e. from anything is possible to anything is probable .
  25. Is it all because of lack of cash or is it partly due to a shortage of Doctors who specialise in the departments that seem to be worst hit.
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