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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. I don’t know of any club that suggests you give a percentage of your income in return for membership which is basically what the tithe option asks for.
  2. I know it is old ground but I cannot see what the gentleman on the tractor does to improve the shore he seems to shove the seaweed and other bits and pieces into piles but I never see anyone removing these piles of whatever has been gathered. This problem seems to have arisen since the breakwater was built it must have altered the tidal flow that carried the seaweed + bits out to sea. Douglas beach was fine when I was a kid a bit stoney around Broadway but used to get crowded. The whole excercise seems pointless.
  3. I have always given and respected the Salvation Army who very quietly help so many people in so many ways. I was not aware of how much help they gave until someone I know was helped by them. The fact that the Vicar will be writing personally to everyone who ups the anti irks me surely all the sheep in the flock should matter on a level playing field be they rich or poor and not judged by the depth of their pockets. There are a lot of charities that are more deserving than a crumbling building.
  4. I don’t think that is the issue Lilly is just trying to alert people to the dangers of this and prevent other dogs and owners having this horrible experience. Douglas beach was great in the day now it is awful.
  5. Thinking about it they did not have a placard protesting so perhaps they were after her autograph.
  6. St Peter’s in Onchan, A member of the Church of England has now come out in following the Living in Hope’s methods in extracting money from its followers. In a booklet they have produced there are three preferred methods to contribute 1, Increase your giving and join the planned giving scheme with a standing order 2, by Tithe by giving a percentage of your income to fund ministry. 3, by Making a legacy gift. This is followed by a verse from Corinthians explaining God loves a cheerful giver. They have listed the expenses the Church has and a wish list of structural alterations they would like to have done and some additional services they would like to offer. The gifts will remain confidential but the Vicar will be aware of the overall picture and will write to thank all that who respond. In the day you put what you could afford on the collection plate . Is this progress or will this be the final nail in the churches coffin with the steady decline already sounding the toll bell, I don’t foresee many cheerful givers in this present financial climate.
  7. The backlash consisted of two knob heads standing outside in the pouring rain so rather an anti climax.
  8. I really hope your dog gets better soon. There was someone on FB thanking a couple who came to his aid and took him and his dog to the vets after suffering a seizure on Douglas each the dog is recovering apparently but it was a really horrid experience for both the dog and owner. He didn’t say but I got the impression that the dog was not subject to fits. Perhaps the vets should be alerted although your vet may have done this. Horrible experience perhaps Manx Radio would give a shout out about this.
  9. Costly ill advised legal appeal, surely that is down to bad advice from the A.G’s Office ? I understood that is what they are there for in part anyway ?
  10. It is debatable, we will never know what the consequences would have been if we hadn’t had lockdown. It was an unknown quantity and I think everyone in power did their best to face the situation they had thrust upon them. I lost three friends to Covid, yes they were old but relatively fit for their age when they contacted it perhaps if they had contacted influenza and it had turned to pneumonia the result may have been the same, who knows ? Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
  11. Did anyone contributing to this topic actually go and see the show. I had never heard of her until her name came up as a topic but remember some years ago when Jesus Christ superstar was on at the Gaiety and the bloke from Peel was there protesting every night with his cohorts. It takes a lot to get the natives out to protest especially when it is raining.
  12. Headline news , Boat leaves an hour late, big panic, planes cancelled delayed, whatever, not a Dickey bird it seems like the media cannot wait for something to go wrong with the Steam packet operations. Seems like the Ben was delayed through no fault of its own but don’t let that little detail come in the way of a inflated no story.
  13. They were too busy making headlines about the Manxman leaving an hour late this morning such gripping stuff.
  14. The Onchan Commissioners are watching the Pennies.
  15. At least it is leaving early so people will make any connections they have.
  16. More insults, truly pathetic way to make a point.
  17. I think anyone who is going to be affected by these wind turbines have the right to find out about the finer details of the planned installation of these machines and to dismiss them as tosspots is immature and not very polite. There are pros and cons in every scheme that is proposed and this is the time to consider them before any money is committed . Just for interest I wonder how much the 42 million has shrunk to already there is already mention of consultants and they never come cheap.
  18. Probably more than Julie Edge has done since she got the job, the only reason she is still doing it is because there is no one to replace her a fact born out by the recent reassignment of Tim to DOI. To be fair to Alfie if he was in a card game you would agree he had a really dire hand of cards to play, probably drew the joker as well. I think we would do better with an all Island vote for instance what a desperate choice Onchan had the best of the bunch are useless and Garth not much better, same with Middle.
  19. I thought they actually purchased the wrong sort of gates, weren’t the ones they got only suitable for indoors or the wrong size ? I wonder what happened to them. The only solution with regards to the DOI is to break it up into smaller departments it just covers too much but this would have to be a decision made by Tynwald I would imagine. Putting Tim back in charge really gives rise to ridicule if he couldn’t make any sort of progress last time what has changed in the last year or was it even that long. I think others have turned down this position before Tim was offered it it smacks of last resort job to me.
  20. Looks as if the CS are trying to get some numbers there to try and justify the conference now Alfie has got his eye on it’s worth. £40 to £50 grand estimated cost , is it worth it ?
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