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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. The buzz word will be in play once again, every announcement will be followed by….. hopefully 🤣
  2. Country pubs did well in those days 😋
  3. If it is going to cost a lot of money it can get kicked into the long grass until Cummal Moar, Castle Rushen High School and other important issues are sorted. So should any donation to a house for the Peggy and a handout to Braddan Commissioners who have overstretched themselves with their vanity project. Everything that is not essential should be put on hold until the basics are addressed. This is what normal people do when deciding how to eke out their own expenditure. It doesn’t grow on trees should be their new slogan.
  4. Max I think that was answered in the first part, there was no Drag Queen there but a man was giving a talk on different genders did entertain in drag in his spare time. I expect what adults do in their spare time is up to them it is a free country but I feel that there maybe a closer eye will be kept on whom gives out information to school children of a certain age as it has been stipulated that only purpose trained teachers be used. It is a tricky one children need information to keep safe but at what age and where and by who.
  5. I listened to this and thought he sounded tired and has lost his positivity I heard him the other day as well and thought he sounded as if he was just reading from a piece of paper, which he probably was, but he seems to have lost his zing. Perhaps he has been looking at the books and they make for depressing reading 😬 he sounded a bit down.
  6. It is too unwieldy and needs breaking up. Alfie did mention in his news flash that that the COM would look into reforming the department which makes me wonder if he is thinking of going down this path. If this happens it would make the job much more manageable. FYI I have used the term NEWS FLASH lightly.
  7. So the report is in, god knows how much that cost we no doubt never will and to the best of my understanding it says that parents should have been warned about the content of these lessons and the lessons should be delivered by properly trained staff. That is the nuts and bolts of it. So a bit of common sense from the Department of Education who must have sanctioned these sex lessons could have saved a lot of stress and money for all concerned.
  8. Both Manx Radio and 3 FM trying to make a big story out of the Manxman’s aborted entry today to Heysham Port. People on board commenting that it was a 20 minute hiccup and that was all everything was fine. Why do the media try to run down everything we do and print such uninformed headlines, this was posted on FB by the two radio stations and attracted the usual stupid remarks until passengers that were actually on the sailing posted with the actual facts. Heysham Port can be tricky I can remember one of our boats being stuck on a sandbank for hours some years ago and better to be safe than sorry.
  9. Many moons ago I passed my driving test in practice week on my first attempt it was busy but perhaps the Examiner made some allowance for that plus I had a genuine emergency stop which no doubt he gave me brownie points for. Remember how they used to hit the window screen with a newspaper when you had to do one ? Walter Chad taught me really nice fellow.
  10. Jack White had a big flounce when I mentioned what I saw when I passed the place , it was 100% true there were chairs and tables and cardboard boxes just anywhere it looked as if it had been lying empty for ages. I told the truth, he didn’t like it ,came back with a load of crap. I don’t think this man is an expert on catering or anything else pretends to know what is going on but seriously….. 😂
  11. I think the whole learning to drive / taking test scenario is over subscribed at the moment, every day on social media people are asking if any driving instructors have spaces and the testing examiners are trying to clear up a waiting list I expect they are just trying to get the waiting list down. Damned if they do damned if they don’t. There are certainly a lot of driving instructors around , when I was learning there were only three as I remember but then 16 year olds did not have the money to learn and owning a car at that age was a distant dream.
  12. I hope you are right because at the minute it looks like a disaster zone and a disgrace.
  13. Dave the building in Duke Street which is a complete eyesore has open ended planning, don’t ask why it just has so that they can leave this carbuncle on our main shopping area, complimented by the empty shops opposite for as long as they like. It is scandalous, Douglas Corporation are aware but apparently nothing can be done.
  14. I hope it isn’t another open ended planning decision the same as the Duke Street debacle for the people of PSM ‘s sake
  15. I cannot see how any decision can be made on covering wind conditions of 12 months , every year is different weather wise. This is another badly thought out half cock idea which will cost fortunes before it even happens, if it even happens , by a government with no money to fund a decent health service and replace unfit for purpose schools. Madness.
  16. I hope it isn’t another open ended planning decision the same as the Duke Street debacle for the people of PSM ‘s sake.
  17. I don’t think it will ever happen not in my life time anyway.
  18. Once upon a time there was a post about a private jet and then it got hi jacked 🤣
  19. Vaping is disgusting and it is extremely worrying that so many young people are doing this and being enticed by the flavoured types of vapes.
  20. The bit that frightens me is point one….They all use experienced consultants and contractors to do the work. I am sure the consultants and contractors who were used for Douglas Promenade, Liverpool Landing Stage and other memorable ventures were experienced but things did not go to plan. You are obviously hell bent on having a wind farm or two on the Island to save the world but are we in a position financially to proceed , I feel sure it will be many, many moons before a decision will be forthcoming on where to put them. Other places that have gone down this road successfully have much more space available to place them without affecting the inhabitants both human and animal that live in the chosen area. When in doubt do nowt is an old saying and a wise one. Virtue signaling is a very expensive pastime.
  21. There is a shop selling Asian food products that has opened in Strand Street opposite Boots it was very busy when I went past I don’t know what else was on offer but there was a very well presented display of fruit near the entrance.
  22. Taking all attractions into account Douglas was really busy with visitors off the cruise ship and the horses apparently have Mondays off so no horse trams does this make commercial sense ? There were lots of people having their photos taken with The Bee Gees and the 1886 proved another hot spot for photography, the window being the attraction.
  23. I thought All Saints Church’s problems were something to do with materials used in the building process.
  24. I had this problem last year with the Insurers I have been with for years with both house and car, I have never claimed. I cannot understand the house insurance as the Isle of Man is no burglars paradise and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of fires or floods except in Laxey I wonder how the poor souls on the Glen Road get insured for a reasonable price? I don’t know why this is happening.
  25. Went past today just a pile of furniture and boxes piled up I think it may have closed down.
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