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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. The concern I have is how much financial encouragement did the Government give them, if any, to operate on the Island.
  2. The library has been sponsored by different organisations from time to time I hope they are impressed by the name change.
  3. Now a car has collided with the open road car.
  4. I get no experience needed by the appeal they did not ask for experienced Marshalls just anyone who could help turn up at the tent at the grandstand at 6.00 pm.
  5. Now the appeal is desperate they need 16 for tonight or the show will not go on so obviously no experience needed 🤨 . The latest is no Sunday races they will be held on Monday due to bad forecast, at least it is a Bank Holiday so perhaps not so much inconvenience caused for the people who get to enjoy the day off.
  6. When something looks too good to be true is always is 🥲.
  7. Asda in the UK has started to reverse its policy of self service as they were losing money over customers scamming. Of course all Islanders are scrupulously honest so there won’t be a problem on the Island. Personally I would never go near a self serve station and a lot of customers my age hate them.
  8. There are only two manned tills the rest are self scan that is not going down well.
  9. The wastage that has occurred dumping all the old stationery etc does not bear thinking about.
  10. That pair and better government are derisive when teamed together.
  11. They are still appealing for Marshalls for Friday they are under the safety level apparently.
  12. It still seems an excessive amount to spend on a straightforward replacement job. I do hope tenders were in place.
  13. Edge and Thomas are now full of questions now they have been kicked out of the elite circle, not a good look bitterness and pity parties do nothing for the instigators of such.
  14. The Civil Defence have compiled a list of householders willing to take people camping in a nice idea.
  15. So Onchan Tesco opened today with publicity and photo of the grand opening in the press….but it didn’t, opening later on due to the boat situation. Why could they not put this on MR instead of turning countless people away ? Great start not.
  16. Moorehouse was on MR at lunchtime explaining the process I am no wiser he is obviously having elocution and projection lessons from Chris Thomas in the skill of mumbling.
  17. I know quite a lot of people one way or another and not one of them owns a gun. The figure of one in 28 households seems nonsensical to me it must have been arrived at by the number of gun certificates issued and then divided by households when some people , farmers and people who shoot for sport, must hold multiple guns so the idea that one on 28 households owns a gun is total rubbish. I wonder how long it took to take a statistician to work that one out, obviously some highly paid government worker who was filling in time until retirement. Completely bonkers.
  18. I am absolutely delighted Tesco are opening their Onchan Branch tomorrow I hope the previously employed people are there because they are all great. There is going to be a cash machine on site and the parking is easy so just great. I have been told that when all the stores are up and running Lake Road is getting renovated.
  19. Crew that have previously sailed on the yacht are saying it is strange but apparently a water spout is now being put forward as an explanation. DM today. I don’t believe in coincidences and this seems to be a big one.
  20. When is the next election for the City Council the present lot are useless.
  21. It is a pity the organisers could not stick to scheduled road closures…..a rider has died, what a absolute pr..k you are.
  22. John said it wasn’t over busy…….in his post 🤨
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