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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Where about is Ridgway Street in Onchan ?
  2. Actually now Onchan has grown perhaps we should rebrand to Onchan Town and posture the way the Douglas City Councillors do…..or perhaps not .
  3. Government House is in Onchan surely ?
  4. Seems like a cry for help such a strange crime bringing worn clothes back to a shop for a refund etc he has lost such a lot and most of all his reputation he must have been in a bad place. I feel sorry for him.
  5. Dreadful decision I hope voters remember this when the election comes around.
  6. Disgusting I hope the people of Douglas appreciate the waste of nearly ten grand . I think it is a dreadful slight to a man who gave so much. Shame on you .
  7. MR Jessop has said in a rather rambling way in IOM Today that he is hoping it will go to plan but may go over estimate, another estimate dreamed up on the legendary ciggy packet I suppose. Also he thinks the Government should pay half I don’t reckon much to his chances on that score.
  8. You are naturally frustrated by their total incompetence but you have the intelligence to sort it out to a degree the worry here is how many people are totally confused by wrong billing and are upset because they have been told they owe money and there is no one to try and make sense of the situation for them and they are getting no answers from the Company. I am sure there are many horror stories about people living in fear because this Company is not fit for purpose.
  9. Surprise ,surprise urgent appeal for Marshalls for MGP the event that starts at the weekend . When will these people get their act together, any appeal should have been made weeks ago. Unbelievable 😬 .
  10. The Library will be the thin end of the wedge this is believed by many. So it will cost 10,000 just for the library the City branding has certainly gone their heads where will it end.
  11. They are also considering changing any building, hospital,library,park etc that has Henry Bloom Nobles name on it to CITY library etc. this is on the Agenda for their next meeting they reckon £10,000 will cover all signage. This information is on FB and I am sure that Frank will confirm or deny.
  12. Half the places on that list are not in Europe so that cuts it down a bit, not a lot, but a bit.
  13. Was it Barrule where they rolled the nail embellished barrels down with women suspected of being witches down ? Those were the days…..
  14. This has certainly riled people up and I would not be surprised if a new painting job was done very soon. It has proved a distraction to the ice cream war and the rage felt about the Henry Bloom Noble fiasco. Pitchforks are being sharpened as we speak. I blame the weather we are not accustomed to the 21 degree heatwave forecasted for this afternoon .
  15. It must have been serious to warrant closing the street until after lunch today the Chester Street car park’s entry was closed entry only on Finch Road.
  16. If Ian Davison is reading this I will still support you and buy your delicious rum and raisin ice cream and the chocolate and vanilla ones for the visiting children.
  17. The apologist from DEFA started of the apology with ……It is with a heavy heart…..ffs why not just say there has been a screw up and we are sorry lessons have been learned.
  18. So the field next to proposed plant has had planning permission since 2010 and nothing has been done with it, I thought planning permission was null and void after seven years but apparently I was wrong. I really hope this appeal is refused and Peel gets their sewage plant. There is too much of Builders buying up green field areas and then letting it lie empty for years. We do need more affordable housing but there are brown field sites that should be used.
  19. Surely this appeal should be thrown out, raw sewerage emptied into the sea in this day and age is inexcusable , let the builders go elsewhere to build their houses hopefully on a brown field site which they all seem to avoid like the plague.
  20. The sentences should have been longer they are scum, stopping people getting to hospitals,funerals, work etc. The only sad bit is they will only serve half the given time.
  21. But they aren’t some people they are coming in great numbers, who they are we know not, murderers, rapists, child molesters, perhaps, scroungers for sure , they are illegal and unwanted they are costing the British taxpayers fortunes and enough is enough. The press have it that all the protesters are thugs and are printing photos of violence, violence is inexcusable in any context but there a lot of people out there who want their country back, they are too late for that but they don’t want it taken over totally , these demonstrations will not stop until something is done about illegal immigration.
  22. Boris got rid of the water cannons is London when he was Mayor.
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