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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Immigration is not just about money, deep resentment is being felt when people see immigrants put up in hotels and there are homeless people on the streets. The people who were demonstrating, and not all of them were throwing bricks were shouting stop the boats they can see their town being taken over by people with different cultures. It is complicated it has been a big bone of contention ever since Liar Blair let untold numbers of immigrants in because he wanted their vote.
  2. I cannot understand why America has arrived at this , what a choice surely there are better candidates around.
  3. The pot has been simmering for a long time now immigration is now out of hand and people have had enough, the Conservatives could not solve the problem of the illegal boat landings and the Labour Party seem half hearted about the situation. Rioting is no answer but blame and threats will not sort out the frustration felt by a lot of the public. Tackling the problem has to be the answer even if the Navy have to be involved in turning the boats back then perhaps the message will get through it seems a desperate solution but something needs to be done.
  4. If it is tied up perhaps they are just having a drill although not great weather for it.
  5. So the Aliens would speak in English ? How would you know what they were saying ?
  6. I hope nobody has been knocked over even though there is a zebra crossing there people still chance their luck.
  7. The problem is once permission to us a facility is given there are always people who will take the Mick it will probably happen anyway as I cannot see how parking in Palatine surgery space can be policed. I am glad this is not the one I use and feel sorry for the people who will be affected I hope they do not spread into DATU spaces as there are not many there to start with. On a positive note perhaps the amount of footfall will not be as great as forecasted , they have got the sums wrong before.
  8. At 6.30 this evening Prospect Hill was closed and a police presence, anyone know what is going on ?
  9. Yes I agree Gladys this plan would probably be looked at in about 50 years time when the world will be a different place. It should be made clear to residents that it is only a proposal but even so I would expect with this on the cards even in the far future it will put a question mark over property value in the area. The way things are going Tynwald Hill will be the only green space left by then 🥲 .
  10. The airport should have been at Jurby from the start the climate is so much better in the north regarding fog and mist, too late now.
  11. Says who ? who made up this figure ? must be the same guy who designed the Round House and calculated the figures in that debacle. Yes the hospitality industry will suffer and the Packet which is unfortunate but I still say this is down to slackness on both sides.
  12. BC has asked if they can use the Dr Surgery up there after hours this apparently is not acceptable. I can see why , who is going to police the parking, clients of the RH will be using it all day and patients won’t be able to park. So even if the Govt. had allowed RH clientele to use the roadway, which is not suitable, there would still be a parking problem. How did this ever get through planning ?
  13. Means testing yes but there are lots of pensioners who are not eligible for pension credits but still do not have enough income to pay income tax . The fairest way would be that anyone regardless of age who could provide an Income Tax form saying that they owed nothing would be eligible for a free TV licence age should not come into it . The same for heating allowance.
  14. Reeves has certainly gone in full steam ahead. I wonder if many people who voted for Labour are having regrets such as the millions of pensioners who are losing their heating bonus. I am sure there is much worse to come if she raises inheritance tax we may get a few wealthy people moving over.
  15. I remember when pubs had a scheme going and if anyone had misbehaved or was banned by law their picture was displayed in all participating public houses and they did not get served. Also shoplifters are often banned from shops that they have targeted it is quite a complicated really. Airways ban people from flying with their Company if they have misbehaved and so on.
  16. I thought every business owner had the right to ban a person from their premises without a reason just as householders can refuse access to their property without a reason.
  17. He is doing no harm and giving pleasure to anyone who was a fan he is enjoying himself and spending money what is the problem ?
  18. £750 ,000 is being bandied about without any proof as far as I can see, the whole situation smacks of slackness by both parties, if forms have not been produced or incorrectly filled in then that is the fault of the organisers but on the other hand perhaps this could have been brought to their attention promptly enabling the the correct information was in place. Lessons will be learned no doubt by both parties. It is indeed unfortunate for the hospitality trade and other businesses affected through no fault of their own it must be very frustrating for those trying to increase the tourist trade when sloppiness causes situations like this.
  19. It is the new Labour Minister for Health that has criticised CQC apparently some of the Inspectors had not been trained sufficiently or in some cases not at all. He has come to this conclusion very rapidly, since the election, along with other Labour Ministers who are using a slash and burn approach a bit prematurely. They are intent on making an impression whether good or bad remains to be seen.
  20. I was reading the Eastern Civic tip rules today to find out about Sunday opening hours and I saw nothing regarding this rule of one trip a day on it. I may have missed it because there was a lot of information on it but don’t think so.
  21. 3FM are really bad at printing provocative headings which are quite contradictory to the article, by the replies on FB most keyboard warriors don’t read the article just the headline and wade in regardless. And to think some people were in favour of a referendum, dear god they need to read the dross on FB and they would definitely change their minds.
  22. Grandstanding is exactly what Thomas, Edge and Christian are doing Edge and Thomas are bitter after being rejected and Christian is joining the pity party. None of these have achieved anything of note and are just trying to keep their names in the public’s eye.
  23. Those figures are interesting Edge and Thomas did not to appear to question anything in 22/23 when they were Ministers but now they are out in the cold and not likely to get warm again anytime soon they are full of questions especially Thomas most of them annoying and unnecessary. Let us hope this pair get kicked out in the next election, neither use nor ornament. Wouldn’t it be great if some intelligent people with the Island’s interest at heart and fire in their belly stood as candidates.
  24. All the Peel birds are waiting with bated breath I am sure…..
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