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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. Well at least he keeps his constituents in the picture which is more than can be said for some MHKs .
  2. The Labour Party has big plans whether it can afford to follow them through that is another matter if or when they get strapped for cash then they will be looking for fresh pickings and I am sure we will not be very far down their list.
  3. The problem is the goal posts were moved with the three million shortfall it had to be raised the building could not be left unfinished although I doubt even with the initial assessment if it would ever have broken even let alone be profitable. If ever a scheme looked as if it had been calculated as to being a worthwhile venture on the back of a fag packet this is the prime example.
  4. It has become a popular condition, I mean no disrespect to anyone who has been diagnosed with it but I know someone who has a psychiatric illness and has been diagnosed with this after countless tests etc with no answers it seems this is the end game that has been suggested. Firstly it was thought to be a muscle wasting condition but this has now been ruled out after extensive tests so the diagnosis has moved towards a psychiatric cause. It seems to be a diagnosis given when all else fails. A very sad and frustrating position for the sufferer. I don’t profess to know anything regarding the medical side of this situation just socially involved with the sufferer who is going downhill fast it is very sad.
  5. Finally got off the boat at 12.30 . What a great night out the boat is lovely, at least that is my opinion and the staff are great. Fantastic 😊.
  6. Just passed the Point of Ayre at least a lighthouse is flashing so I presume that is where we are the commentary has now stopped so guessing. I guess it will be 11.30pm before we dock.
  7. We went as far as Laxey but the viewing scenario was not great so turned around just been in Port Erin Bay. Lovely trip the commentator is very good a lot of interesting Manx History . The rain has stopped and the sea is calm a lovely sunset , great views for photographers. Now we are getting a very interesting talk about different boats the SP has owned and other lots of other relevant information. Now heading for Peel.
  8. At £80,000 per prisoner per annum and the prison is full no wonder we are skint. If one is sentenced to 10 years that would be £800,000 if they do not get early release. The total amount must be staggering. There has to be a better way.
  9. What about interest payments on the loan ? Is that Capital costs ? and if so that is for six months and it is all estimated……I would deffo get the pitchforks out 🤨.
  10. I don’t think for a minute that the problem with access is the main problem here, true it has not helped but the interest that is due on the loan they have taken out will surely swallow all or most of the rents they are getting. However they have got their new posh offices and I hope they enjoy them and can afford to heat them as the size of the building will cost something to heat. They surely will have to employ a caretaker and cleaners that is without maintenance. A folly indeed.
  11. There was a drawing on Isle of Man Today but whether it was the original I do not know.
  12. I think all Island voting would help it is frustrating when you have no one you think is suitable in your constituency but see people in other constituencies whom you think would be good and make a difference. The Island is small enough for candidates to make themselves and their ideas known. I have always voted but if the same clowns stand next time around I won’t be.
  13. Some of them leading from the top are going to get a nasty shock at the next election I have never known such anger and distrust from the community towards any previous governments.
  14. My children loved the Wild Life Park and so do my grandchildren as for not many animals you are surely due a trip to Spec Savers we got a leaflet for the children with all the animals on and they ticked them off as we went around there were loads of different animals and the children had a great time culminating in a trip to the Cafe which was fine too. There are different trails you can explore and it is truly value for money.
  15. I didn’t realise the bus stopped outside Marks and Spencer or Dealz or the Alpine what a stupid suggestion 🤨.
  16. The more useless they are the friendlier they are, people vote for nice smiley individuals.
  17. The weird thing is draconian sentencing seems to be aimed solely at drug offenders there are people who have over claimed benefits and screwed the tax payers every week practically in the press and they get a tenner a week taken out of their benefits. In fact the tenner a week out of benefits seems to be the popular result for most crimes these days.
  18. I hope time out gets deducted from their wages it is not a hobby although to be fair today’s absentees would hardly be missed.
  19. I always carry two cards with me even when shopping as a back up in case this happens even when shopping it happens more than you think.
  20. Alf May be having a dream everyone else is having nightmares. The sheer arrogance of the Minister of the Department of Enterprise is staggering this department seems to be the only one with funds to splash out they must have a secret money tree . There are no words to defend these actions.
  21. He has made it on to the front page of the Daily Mail 😂 .
  22. I don’t think he is the only time I have seen him in church is when there is a special occasion and he is representing Onchan as an MHK . I don’t think he is an undercover happy clapper can’t imagine that. He is just fence sitting trying to please everybody which is impossible at any time let alone all of the time.
  23. He only served half his term and there were conditions attached to his release so I am sure a code eye will be kept on him….hopefully.
  24. Arkwright could teach them all a thing or two his till didn’t have problems.
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