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  1. Threats and abuse but last week she was still driving around town is a totally ridiculous Rolls Royce Cullinan (a ludicrous vehicle) like she owned the place. She can’t feel that threatened.
  2. Yes let’s believe some anonymous bloke on an Internet forum instead. That makes total sense.
  3. Yes. Horrible. She had no counter arguments other than to try to discredit him for other things that had nothing to do with the interview in hand. A silly little girl.
  4. They still pretend to advise government.
  5. Nasty, horrible, venal. She had no answer for anything.
  6. Who are these knobs? https://www.sustrans.org.uk/our-blog/projects/2019/england/active-travel-on-the-isle-of-man/
  7. Ignore Lamara, she’s clearly absolutely horrible.
  8. I’m relaxed, sober, sentient. What are you? You could have made something up rather than create the protracted (embarrassing) trail above. But you didn’t. So why having clearly amended a post, which wasn’t publicly flagged as edited, are you still trying to justify your post in the overwhelming face of the contrary?
  9. It wouldn’t surprise me. I asked a question. Then just got a load of abuse denying a change was ever made. But it 100% was.
  10. So you’re saying some regular posters actually have secret rights to change posts that other users don’t have? That wouldn’t surprise me now to be honest.
  11. No it won’t because you 100% amended your post and it wasn’t flagged like other peoples.
  12. No it was clearly changed. All this aggravated questioning is getting a bit weird now to be honest. I was just wondering why changes I make get flagged but changes that poster made weren’t flagged as changes.
  13. No I’m tea total. I haven’t touched a drop for years. I was just asking how you managed to change a post without it getting flagged as “edited” that’s all.
  14. But Roger Ram can clearly change posts without an edit note appearing. And they don’t seem to be a subscriber. So I can only assume your comment is incorrect.
  15. But Roger Ram isn’t a subscriber so that makes no sense.
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