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Idleweiss last won the day on June 21

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  1. He’s going to recycle the Climate Advisory Board into something else. Just in time before they bankrupt us 😂
  2. It sold for £517,000 in 2016 and this is pulled from the land registry so there must be a record.
  3. From observations this week. Mostly the ones who look to be one step away from a diabetic coma. Waddling around with a mask on rather than bothering to actually look after their own health by being relatively healthy to fight off infection.
  4. Yes he’s a crackpot. Also posts on this platform would be my guess.
  5. It’s just a request though. They can’t actually force anyone to wear a mask. At best they can politely ask you to leave or reconsider your behaviour. It’s not like three years ago where they would call the cops and have you in prison within 48 hours. Close the boarders!
  6. They’ve given Juan Turner the Energy FM Twitter log in again. Brilliant headline.
  7. I liked the fact that Steve Christian was the only person (so far) who liked that.
  8. To be fair it’s Dougs overgrown £300K London Taxi she swans around in. It really is offensively ostentatious for the IOM. It’s like you can’t afford to live in Knightsbridge or Chelsea but you can drive around Douglas trying to find free parking spaces that are 5 feet too small for your ridiculous car.
  9. Still chirping on about fascists as you appear to completely lack any coherent argument about anything. Just like every other sneering little woke on social media.
  10. For the last time what was fascist about anything? That just seems a really lazy way of trying to discredit anything that might have been said. The same lazy argument badly deployed by Lamara Craine. Not once did i see a black shirt, or a nazi salute. There was no mention of Tommy Robinson, or Brexit. There was no casual racism and absolutely no references to illegal immigrants. Surprisingly enough it was just about where he thought the IOM was going wrong on its numbers and its business case. Thats it.
  11. I’ll leave it there. You’re clearly the angry eco wally that’s all over Facebook. This will just go on for hours. It’s not worth my time.
  12. That paragraph continues “This measure of generating potential sits well above the UK average of 28%.
  13. How the Viking wind farm could rewrite energy on the Shetland Islands. Its theoretical. It isn’t fact.
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