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  1. Because your clearly Adolf Hitler you fucking prick.
  2. Best to thrash all those phones out of them. Maybe give staff gloves so they can look up kids arses for hidden phones as well?
  3. Of course what is missing is absolutely any correlation whatsoever with the number of people thrown in prison by over zealous totalitarian legislation. Jailing 72 people is a source of extreme shame for the IOM and will continue to be. I hope they all get compensated and their convictions overturned. It’s the least any decent society should do.
  4. Your names Justin. I claim my £10.
  5. Why do I have to explain my actions to you? An anonymous inconsequential avatar on a forum that seems to be largely full of nutters who couldn't structure a coherent debate with my cat?
  6. You don’t have to explain things in simple terms to me Adolf. I’m not some deranged totalitarian lunatic like you who simply can’t grasp the wider concept of prison having a zero effect as a covid prevention mechanism. Unless you want to point me to an academic paper somewhere Adolf which proves that the more people you throw in prison as a government the less covid you have? But you can’t talk sense with the nutters like you. So there you go. Seventy two people jailed is a matter of great shame which haunts the IOM and will for many years to come.
  7. Threats of beatings on the head with a mallet now is it Adolf? That sounds about your level. Not one word of the pitiful far right drivel you have written above explains why 72 people got thrown into jail in the IOM and how any of that stopped the transmission of covid. Yay we threw the most people in jail. That really showed that covid who was boss! What an absolute nutter. I bet you had a snitching frenzy over the pandemic like all the other deranged lockdown nutters!
  8. The 3fm story says “the move follows feedback from parents, staff and education professionals” So when will the board or education or the school be publishing all this feedback it’s allegedly had?
  9. Don’t tell that to Adolf. He’ll have another totalitarian meltdown. Good to see that clip above from IOMN&P. Some actual sane debate on what actually did happen all too often. It was disgusting. They should be compensated and have their records cleared ASAP. The Covid Review should have dealt with this too rather than brushed it under the carpet.
  10. But that simply isn’t true it is it? We just had more draconian legislation that gave much less scope for a non custodial sentence when breaches occurred. That’s how we jailed 72 people and yet everywhere else jailed fewer numbers (if any at all).
  11. Ok Adolf. They were only obeying orders.
  12. But then again you’re clearly insane.
  13. I don’t need to do any of those things Adolf. Go and ask your mum or dad how 72 people ended up in prison in the IOM during the pandemic. Which proportionately must be the highest number of people jailed anywhere globally per head of population.
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