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Clinton Baptiste

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  1. None of them care. The Mayor appears to be completely mental. The council leader is an unelected lunatic living out some sort of fantasy of functional adequacy, and if there are a few others who care they are drowned out by attention seeking losers who misguidedly think that one day they might get to be MHK on a salary they never, ever, envisioned earning through talent.
  2. They won’t. Half of them will get in uncontested again and cause even more havoc. That’s why this sort of thing happens time and time again.
  3. RIP Henry Bloom Noble. Council egos have trumped your fine contributions to the Victorian city in the last 150 years. Coming next the similarly communist sounding Douglas Council Upper Douglas Park & Leisure Facility and the Douglas City Hospital
  4. How might they think that? Maybe they read the vague misleading rubbish on the library web page?
  5. If they burn them all the ghosts might escape. Much better try to find some weirdo who will give you £50.
  6. I suppose you have a slightly better chance of not being sacked by refusing to give a breath test and then trying to get off on a technicality on why you refused to give a sample. How many is that now in the last 3 or 4 years? Must be at least 5.
  7. Definitely end of life ASSets. It just seems odd to go to the trouble of storing them (presumably at cost) for nearly 10 years then decide there is a marked for a load of second hand furniture of death. As I said it sounds like they’re totally skint and I’d have thought it would only be weirdos who would want crematorium furniture in their house or garden.
  8. You’re right perhaps they should donate the pulpit of death to Tynwald? I can’t imagine anyone other than a weirdo who would want to buy a crematorium pulpit for their front room or man cave. How many people are they expecting to bid for this precious cargo?
  9. Doug really needs to buy a shirt that fits him https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13735747/Michelle-Mone-Doug-Barrowman-PPE-Algarve-holiday.html
  10. They must be getting strapped for cash. They’re now looking for some weirdos who fancy paying a good rate for some ex crematorium furniture. It’s maybe worth dropping Ozzy Osbourne a line to see if he needs anything for his next tour. https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/old-douglas-crematorium-furniture-to-be-sold-off/ Just weird. Who want any of that stuff in their house?
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