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  1. Goodnight I would put money on more people not being bothered than people having an issue. The people who can’t be bothered probably have better things to do than sit here arguing with conspiracy theorists with no life. Like spend time with their loved ones.
  2. Why is it a stupid idea? Whats the issue if you have nothing to hide? Thanks
  3. Good stuff. I have nonissue with any of that at all, and neither would any other sane person. For the record, the closed borders thing in COVID was stupid, and not the same as this at all.
  4. Did you ever meet her? A decent woman who was doing her best as far as I could tell, and we still don’t know what she had left.
  5. Hide them and move them. Nobody knows where they are so drive accordingly. Sorted. People who aren’t nobs continue not to be nobs, and those who aren’t get fined all the time. Winner winner as those of us who aren’t nobs also know we won’t get squashed crossing the road.
  6. How does that work when they move about like I suggested. I don’t know where the ones in the UK are, so I am always careful to watch my speed. Same would apply here if they moved about. Plus we could hide them. We don’t have to follow the UK
  7. That’s weird dude. Proper weird
  8. What’s the problem with making sure people don’t speed within sensible limits? Got to be better for old people, kids, everyone really. Why would anyone object other than just objecting to there being rules because they think that makes them cool?
  9. Who cares? Its a topic for discussion related to the local laws.
  10. I am a petrol head. Always have been and own a number of performance cars and motor bikes. There should be speed cameras in all speed limit areas imposing automatic fines on anyone he gets caught at more than 10percent over the limit. There are plenty of safe places to drive quickly. They should also be mobile, so move round every few weeks to keep people on their toes and stave the expense of having loads of them. Having said that, a review of the existing limits and removing some of the more stupid ones should happen at the same time.
  11. Are you suggesting that we should’t have any police weapons and nobody trained to use them? Ever? At all? Wow
  12. Like what? Stuff that was previously stored unless it was needed is now being used. People who were trained to carry firearms and rarely did, some of them now have one on their person for a whole shift rather than having to rush back to the station and pick it up and log it out if needed. I don’t see where there is any extra cost?
  13. There is nothing new in relation to any of those things. All those costs have existed for years.
  14. What are you on about? A very small number of what has previously been locked away in storage is now out on a daily basis rather than being locked away. There is no new equipment to allow this to happen, no additional testing, no additional storage, no new vehicles
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