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  1. It’s doubtful you actually participate in the real world.
  2. Funnily enough UK motor insurance claims plummeted as well. That’s what happens when you don’t let anyone go anywhere in their car. It’s got nothing to do with speed limits.
  3. Jane Poole Wilson’s friends in Home Affairs will be having big raging stiffies at all these proposals. As stated above many of them didn’t want us to go back to normal after the covid border checks because they had the power over peoples lives then. Because when you analyze the IOM public sector it’s largely run by over promoted status obsessed little Hitlers who want to be ruling over all their friends and neighbours to get their rocks off. Which is exactly what we saw over covid. A load of sad bastards seizing their 15 minutes of opportunity to have a bit of power in their lives.
  4. Oh the futile arguments about absolutely nothing have already started. It’s going to be a long night.
  5. Yes but from your posting history here it’s evident that you are far from a sane person.
  6. Quite a surprising session at the Government Conference today worthy of a Reform UK event that wants to lock us down and stop all the pretend illegals destroying the IOM and it’s way of life. https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/id-registration-for-all-isle-of-man-residents-considered-as-part-of-crime-busting-strategy-722827 They are seriously considering giving us all national ID cards and having ANPR and facial recognition scanning at the ports and airport just because we let a few Chinese fraudsters in here. This government is an absolute fucking joke. We don’t have a pot to piss in yet these insular close the borders clowns are planning some sort of utopian locked down society that they can throw even more taxpayer cash at. Jane Poole Wilson is clearly a totalitarian lunatic who wants us all living in an open prison so that the police have even less to do by stopping our almost non existent crime before it even happens.
  7. That’s IOM ANPR otherwise known as Alan Neil Paul Roger’s who sits in his white van at the roadside writing down number plate numbers so he can drive back to Ellerslie and then look them up.
  8. She doesn’t spend that much time on social media
  9. I think his house is lovely. But it doesn’t seem to be a particularly talented plumber who plumbed in his bog. I’d have got the agent to take a picture from a different perspective.
  10. It’s local news. Plus it will give the poster the reason speculate as to why it’s for sale.
  11. It will probably go for less than £10K. Who the hell else needs a boat tractor in the IOM? Most of the DOI plant goes for bugger all compared to what it cost the taxpayer to buy.
  12. At least Mel Smith seems to have called Cannan out with a crafty hand gesture.
  13. There’s at least 2 MHKs in that picture pretending to be delegates. Andrew (I’m irrationally angry as fuck) Smith, and Alex (I fucked up putting up taxes) Allinson.
  14. That’s as unfunny as Juan Turners shitty news site already is.
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