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  1. The lady MHK from Peel will be loyal to the Chief Minister.
  2. puppet1

    Firm closing

    The gambling industry leads to deaths, yes. The extraction of fossil fuels leads to deaths on a far greater scale, where is your outrage?
  3. King apart, what are the offences you imply gaming companies are getting away with? If the financial companies offend less, there will be fewer penalties. Unless you are aware that egaming companies are getting away with murder, I don't understand your point.
  4. I think the part played by capitalism should be part of any analysis.
  5. Apparently UK/Manx staff suspected something wasn't right because so much money was used on building a business that never really took off. Any conventional investors would have pulled the plug a long time ago.
  6. From speaking to someone who left the company before this blew up. The "pig butchers" worked from the hotel, they were "customer services staff" and were kept separate from the KG office. Tbc
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