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  1. But also remember Ian Longworth bullying all the charity and school mini buses off schools and clubs that subscriptions had paid for in order to build up his Sprinter empire using health and safety and risk assessments as the excuse? So from that day forward no old man on a pension could get a sense of self worth and social purpose by driving round school kids or disabled people for free in his spare time when Longworth could be managing a government worker in a brand new £150K Sprinter to do the same job while making a huge financial loss for the taxpayer. But now we have no money we want volunteers to help out!
  2. Thefella


    Although you can buy a cigar you like in a shop or online. Put it in your pocket and freely smoke it in the smokers area, or outside of, any pub you care to choose.
  3. Thefella


    The 50/75% thing was put out for consultation a few years ago. The banks decided that they didn’t want to pay for 75% as it’s funded by a levy. Unlike the Uk.
  4. Thefella


    Are you aware of any rooftop bar in Regent St IOM?
  5. But at least he’ll ask for a rates rebate on all your efforts clearing hedges for free Bill.
  6. Thefella


    Aside from the obnoxious social media profile. My basic assessment of quality based on a good level of travel over the last 20 years would be. If I fancied a nice cigar would I pay £50 for it to smoke in a back yard at the rear of a grubby Castle Street shop. Or would I pay £50 to smoke it on a rooftop terrace above Regent St overlooking some of the most expensive real estate in the world in a gentile environment?
  7. Thefella


    The main problem really seems to be the fact that the owner regularly makes a complete tool out of himself on social media. As in the case above just making stupid comments in relation to a competitor. He’s not really the sort of person that you’d want to give your money to because of how he portrays himself and his business which I’m sure influences peoples opinions more than the mismatched chairs.
  8. I think the bastard might actually be Bill Dale. That’s a really good excuse why volunteers can’t just do volunteering free lance. That would be far too helpful. You need us around to do all the H&S sign offs and the risks assessments so that you can work for nothing for us so that we can get charity donations! FFS. Grifters on all sides!
  9. Thefella


    You could recreate the experience easily enough. Just sit in a skip full of discarded charity chairs drinking pretentiously labeled overpriced beer.
  10. But they aren’t limited in budgets or resources are they? They are just very badly mis managed. If you want to crack on cleaning hedges for free in your own time when there’s someone on £120K paid for by your taxes in charge of the DOI who is paid to make sure the hedge rows are clean but fails in that duty it makes you a complete mug.
  11. But I do, do something about it already. I pay rates to my local authority to maintain the immediate environment I live in and I pay taxes to a government that employs a CEO who is supposedly in charge of infrastructure in the IOM who is supposedly responsible for much of this stuff and who probably earns twice what I earn.
  12. We have got rid of most of the “dooers” in governemt and replaced them with managers who don’t do anything. The DOI used to have teams of people who worked on the roads, or who cut hedges or cleared verges. They even used to have a crappy old old bus with the top cut off that they used for lopping of tree limbs in main routes for years. Now the DOI just wait for £4k of damage to be caused and a passenger to be nearly killed when a branch smashes through the front of a bus like at Anagh Coar the other week because that’s easier than maintaining anything. The number of buses up at Banks Circus alone with smashed windows costing tens of thousands of pounds to repair is unbelievable. But never-mind we’ll just have them off the road being expensively re glassed as we don’t have the income budget to pay a few men £30K a year to actually do maintenance. This is simply proof of how bloated and lazy the public sector here is. I wonder how many of the volunteers they want will work in the public sector? Presumably they will they all be wanting to maximize their leisure time at the weekend before they go back to a long week of doing sod all for top whack on Monday again?
  13. I’d take the volunteer role of Mr Ralph’s at the weekend certainly. Because it would just involve sitting in a chair pondering whether my desk looks big enough or whether I should order a new one. I’d happily donate my time to that sort of important strategic work if it helped the Island out.
  14. Thefella


    That’s highly ironic as his bar really does look like what you’d find in the Crossroads Care furniture showroom.
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