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Auntie Depressant

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  1. Pass the puffer on the left hand side.
  2. Someone will soon.
  3. That’s the only time you’ll see Daniel Craig and Paul Moulton side by side.
  4. Give him a break.@A fool and his money..... has already applied to sort out Bus Vannin. You can’t expect him to sort out the police too.
  5. I have no problem whatsoever with your insight. It’s your gung-ho attitude and supercilious response, to what is obviously, a concerning situation for many, that I take issue with.
  6. You’re 100% correct. However, you’ve come in with your size 12 ex-policeman’s feet and annihilated any opportunity of that from the get go. Regardless of necessity,or policy, or procedures, it would be obvious to anyone that island residents, with no information or pre-warning about this happening are going to feel unnerved by seeing armed officers in Costa. You've had no empathy for that situation whatsoever. You’ve been scathing and supercilious in your replies and have done nothing to reassure people who will have been shocked about this monumental change to the island and about seeing armed weapons in a coffee shop of all places. That you can’t see that is seriously worrying and just reflects why so many people these days have little trust in, or respect for, the constabulary.
  7. Spiddag is the spelling. Spithig is the pronounciation.
  8. She knows one when she sees one then!
  9. I came back on a flight from across with a nurse from the U.K. brought over to do a couple of day’s shifts. She told me how much she was getting paid and it was an eye watering sum and that, together with flights and accommodation made it even more eye watering. Apparently it’s a regular occurrence. We need nurses for sure but bringing them over from across must be making huge inroads into that overspend.
  10. I do. I bought two realistic ‘cigarettes’ from there as a teenager. When you lit them the ends exploded quite spectacularly. My dad didn’t appreciate the joke.
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