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  1. “John Wright” is probably just yet ANOTHER Manx Advocate who has accepted a lucrative Government contract from the Ministry of Propaganda. The IoM Law Society has also likely sanctioned that practice. You are wasting your breath here Sceptic, the Stasi will be knocking at your door next! Be lucky!
  2. Right on it Sceptic! The tragedy of all that is that we, the tax payer are paying for it all. Regulators in the Isle of Man, their salaries and pensions are paid for by the tax payer. Anywhere else in the world regulation is industry financed or the controlling Government (not that they should be) find innovative ways to promote. I guess it is all IoM centric however, most businesses and industries can’t survive without the Government buck. Pubs, restaurants and Private Schools included. The only saviour will be an Independent Commission of Inquiry, long overdue but, that would require Rupert to wake up from his Utopian trance and earn his 700k plus subsidised lifestyle. God forbid him having to consider a decision without consulting his Kimosabe. Life in EV goes on and it won’t change!
  3. And the next......https://oc88.com/en/home
  4. It is past my bed time so good night! For those of you who are interested, the next IoM scandal to break might just be: https://www.rfa.org/english/news/special/prince-group/p2-prince-group-investigation.html
  5. Me too Two lane! But, we have to wait for this investigation anyway before anything further can be deduced. I look at the IOMGSC Board of Commissioners Sceptic: https://www.isleofmangsc.com/about-the-gsc/members-of-the-commision/and, hope that the Constabulary have either requested the attendance of each and everyone of these individuals or that they have attended a police station voluntarily as part of this investigation that we are waiting for otherwise we may just be looking at duplicity as you suggest or maybe something even darker! We have to place our trust in the Constabulary.
  6. I can’t understand how something as scandalous as the King affair even happened? The biggest IoM financial scandal since 1982. According to a Senior Civil Servant we were watertight and the Government examines and understands the type of business that it brings into the island. They “really” understood what they were sponsoring, a Pig Butchering operation and, considered the risk they posed to the Islands reputation so, they must have thought that this type of business fitted into Alf’s plan, that it posed no reputational risk and they subsequently approved it and I quote a certain Lyle Wraxall, CEO of Digital Isle of Man who created an application process and a panel to deal with such a situation. It would be interesting to know who comprised this approval panel? That might give a firmer indication as to whether or not we have a two tier process. In the meantime and until the investigation is complete we surely have to remain open minded. See quote and link below “Well, we’ve got a really good reputation in financial services and in e-gaming so we needed to make sure that we weren’t going to invite businesses in that were going to damage that reputation. I created an application process and a panel which first and foremost really looks at businesses, understands what they’re trying to achieve and make sure there’s not going to be any reputation risk to the island.” https://thefintechtimes.com/lyle-wraxall/
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