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  1. The police have wanted this ever since covid which was the only time Gary Roberts started actually catching drug dealers by having people rifle through packages at the Post Office HQ every day as that was the only way drugs could come in. The border closure as a result of the pandemic was the only time their useless, lazy assed, policing ever had any effect. So now they seem to want us all to have our liberties restricted to make their jobs easier. No doubt there will be an Island wide 30 mph speed limit soon so that their road traffic team also have to do sod all to stop accidents.
  2. You mean you haven’t seen them all in Strand Street?
  3. Well that’s what happens when you treat your consumers like shit and even remove their ability to complain about your service by banning people from accessing your offices and forcing them to deal over the phone. I have to say her public image is horrible. She’s just another grasping private equity goon who has no doubt loaded up on share options while treating her customers like absolute shit.
  4. This just shows how out of touch government has got. Launching this to a load of representative comeover old fogey’s who were free on a Wednesday afternoon to listen to a load of detached civil servants explain the new ways in which they will be able to justify their jobs for another 10 years by bringing in a completely unneeded surveillance society. JPW is the most overrated and useless of the last Tynwald intake by far. Three years to come up with such complete crap that would look at home in Russia or China.
  5. Especially anyone whose apartment complex blew up.
  6. You’re safe on both counts then. Neither successful or incentivized.
  7. Even more bizarre for a forum that openly allowed the posting of false rumours about him fighting with police officers and resisting arrest on a drink driving charge to the point that he had to rebut them in the newspapers (although I notice that has now quietly disappeared). But showing what his wall paper and toilet look like results in a warning about posting bad things about Alf’s house!
  8. This looks like the usual IOM government story. Buying weed legally off civil servants is already more expensive than buying weed off a local drug dealer. https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/dealer-cheaper-than-medicinal-cannabis-man-tells-court/
  9. Hooper and all his department members need to be gone inc the useless St Joney and that awful pompous MLC witch.
  10. No they won’t be doing any of that. But the public sector really likes to play the victim in the face of public criticism rather than admit its failings.
  11. I don’t know but clearly they don’t have a thick skin. Likely the CEO as everytime I see a picture of her on social media she’s sucking her face in to take some ridiculous selfie with her much valued staff. She seems to spend far too much time managing her own brand online so I would guess any criticism pisses her off.
  12. Oh bo hoo blubb blubb. We made everyone pay more tax then we immediately fucked it all up but it’s so unfair being criticised for not being very good on social media https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/manx-care-condemns-personal-named-attacks-on-its-executive-team/
  13. Yes I’m literally sure about that. 3fm reported that https://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/doi-wont-reveal-how-much-ronaldsways-bird-scaring-cars-cost/ “The Department of Infrastructure says it's bought two vehicles that can scare birds - but won't say for how much. In its response, the DOI says it bought two Volvo XC40 Recharges for the Airport Fire Service which will have bird-scaring capabilities.However, it said it the price of the vehicles and modifications was commercially sensitive and so it wouldn't reveal the figure”
  14. We know the outcome. Somebody made an FOI and they refused to provide a figure.
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