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Radio Station Listener Figures


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Simon - your posts are always highly critical of Manx Radio, and whilst I don't know anything of your background (or whether you have any particular axe to grind), I'd be interested to know the changes you'd make to the station if you were in charge.


You see, it's easy to be a critic and tell others they're doing it wrong.


So how would you fund the station and fill 168+ hours a week (two TX networks remember) to build a bigger, more satisfied local audience?

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Simon - your posts are always highly critical of Manx Radio, and whilst I don't know anything of your background (or whether you have any particular axe to grind), I'd be interested to know the changes you'd make to the station if you were in charge.


You see, it's easy to be a critic and tell others they're doing it wrong.


So how would you fund the station and fill 168+ hours a week (two TX networks remember) to build a bigger, more satisfied local audience?


I don't have any particular axe to grind, Stuart.


Sorry if I always sound critical. I've also heard some great programmes on Manx Radio. The Island Life slot is often very interesting, for example.


Just as Island Life gets repeated in the evenings - so why not also repeat the 18:00 programmes (Agenda/Countryside/Shiaght Laa/Perspective) during the day? Perhaps at 13:30. Those are good programmes. 2 hours of the best output every weekday lunchtime would make sense IMO. It would also usefully trim 30 mins off the PM.


The coverage of Tynwald speaks for itself. It's a valuable service. Follow up and highlights would make good sense. Perhaps something rather like Yesterday In Parliament. But on FM. Would cost pennies. Actually - why not put the Tynwald coverage on FM - and put the crap pop music on medium wave? It won't sound any worse.


Apart from that ... much less cheesy pop music filler. Much more jazz and classical from now on.

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Simon - your posts are always highly critical of Manx Radio, and whilst I don't know anything of your background (or whether you have any particular axe to grind), I'd be interested to know the changes you'd make to the station if you were in charge.


You see, it's easy to be a critic and tell others they're doing it wrong.


So how would you fund the station and fill 168+ hours a week (two TX networks remember) to build a bigger, more satisfied local audience?

Different Simon here. When I take over the Island I will...


[1] Slaughter all jocks who talk over the records (cruel but kind). Please warn your mates and (especially) station manager!

[2] Get the moanin-line back with a single weekday slot, for example Wednesday. A daily moanin is too much, many of us are out on Sundays.

[3] The recent hospital / health service program on Talking Heads was poor. Little time allocated, this could have been much, much better. Dan trivialised the issues by starting with the first feedback at 11:39 despite trailing the topic since the start of the show. Feedback should have started much earlier - I was very frustrated indeed. Maybe poor feedback from the public, I don't know the reasons but there are many open issues he could have addressed.

[4] Get some alternate opinion on Moghrey Jedoonee - not everyone from the Island thinks the way these two do.


I'll still keep on listening - as I am now via internet from Switzerland.


Well done on dumping the rubbish top 20 show, biggest turn-off of all time.


I forgot: an Island-wide smoking ban !!!

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Apart from that ... much less cheesy pop music filler. Much more jazz and classical from now on.

May be a bit of a turn-off, if you like Jazz look for Swiss Radio Jazz, not bad. Available via internet and satellite for free!

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Regarding a Manx Radio follow-up programme of Tynwald business.


It would be useful to have interviews with people who would be directly affected by what has been discussed or decided in Tynwald. Every bit of every bill that is passed or rubber stamped will affect someone somewhere or by definition it wouldn't be there. Ditto every debate.


There could be a sort of thinking persons Mannin Line, perhaps with interviews with the politicians who voted that day.


As an example


1. A select committee was formed to look into the Petition for Redress of Grievance of Moorhouse Farm. (fire at Bradda, where the farmer is not able to claim any compensation for damage)

2. Someone took time to produce and present the petition.

3. The committee deliberated over many weeks and interviewed various witnesses as necessary.

4. The select committee came to their considered and informed conclusions and presented this to their colleagues in Tynwald.

5. Tynwald more or less rubbished the findings of the committee with a show of hands. A generally uninformed show of hands at that. But they didn't want certain people to come out of the matter not looking shiny bright.


For too long the nodding donkeys - our representatives in government - have just waved their hand in the air on all sorts of matters. With no come back.


I would like to hear interviews with the various members as to how and why they voted in Tynwald each week. And an interview with the people concerned. So on the matter of minimum wage, let's hear how someone lives on this Island on £5.00 an hour, or whatever.


Although I must say that David Callister does do a good job in his interviews with Politicians during Tynwald anyway.


Yep, a sort of thinking man's Mannin Line.


edited to add:


Well done on dumping the rubbish top 20 show, biggest turn-off of all time.



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From the Energy FM website


Rajar surveyed 594 people between Jan 05 and Dec 05

Age Groups surveyed and number of people who took part

15-24 - 37 people

25-34 - 77 people

35-44 - 113 people

45-54 - 95 people

55-64 - 100 people

65+ - 172 people!

Energy FM has raised concerns with Rajar over the incredibly low sample size for radio audience research in the Isle of Man.

Energy considers this sample size and age profile unrealistic and will be commissioning a separate market research company to carry out surveying on its behalf.

Despite the low survey sample, Energy FM remains the most listened to local music radio station on the Isle of Man.


I tought it was Energy who first said they wanted to get involved with Rajar.


Sure the figures are not fab but the station has changed its music over the last few months. Much more like 3FM these days with all that 80's stuff.


I would have thought that now they have the audience numbers they could tweek the station and grow the listenership.


commissioning a separate market research company to carry out surveying on its behalf.


Market research companies always come back with the answer you want to hear. Unless all the stations pay for the results it will show a much larger listener base for Energy. But will that mean anything?


Good luck I think there is room for all you guys on my radio, just don't all sound the same.

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To the two Simons and Steven, thanks for your constructive comments - I'll pass them on to The Gang Of Six (if I can work out who they are). I may even play the occasional extra classical piece on Saturday nights (Cavelleria Rusticana and Nimrod last night, between the heavy metal). But not jazz - it's just not...nice! I'll leave that to the Caine boys.


All island smoking ban!!! I object heartily to the government wanting to alienate and criminalise a third of the population yet still bank their tobacco taxes. But I'd vote FOR anyone who wanted to ban the sale of ALL tobacco products. I can give up - it's the walking past a tobacconist that seems to be the biggest challenge to me staying off the bloody things.


Rajar - don't know enough about audience research, but it seems to be the accepted industry 'standard', so to join it and then query the method seems a bit like getting a second opinion if the first doctor says you're ugly...

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All island smoking ban!!! I object heartily to the government wanting to alienate and criminalise a third of the population yet still bank their tobacco taxes. But I'd vote FOR anyone who wanted to ban the sale of ALL tobacco products. I can give up - it's the walking past a tobacconist that seems to be the biggest challenge to me staying off the bloody things.

Stu, you will be my anti-smoking Tsar. GBP 200k a year and a mandatory fact-finding trip to <name exotic island> be enough? I would also ban tobacco.

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To the two Simons and Steven, thanks for your constructive comments - I'll pass them on to The Gang Of Six (if I can work out who they are). I may even play the occasional extra classical piece on Saturday nights (Cavelleria Rusticana and Nimrod last night, between the heavy metal).


for the avoidance of doubt, I am steven ! and not Steven


Aye Stu, I heard the last half of the rock show last night and the classical pieces went down very well. It must be great to be able to say 'I liked that so much I'm going to play another one!. A lovely bit of contrast. A bit like the yogurt with the Vindaloo type of thing.





When you are talking to the Gang of Six, let 'em know I used to enjoy Ashley's night-time show. I miss it a lot.

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From the Energy FM online news



Energy FM bosses have hit back at Manx Radio following a mail shot the taxpayer funded radio station sent to Island business chiefs.


Operations Director of Energy Radio, Juan Turner queried how Manx Radio were able to substantiate the figures when only 594 people were surveyed, the majority of which were over 45, putting them outside Energy FM's target age group.


Mr Turner went on to say that even if the figures were remotely credible, the public should question how can Energy achieve a 20% audience reach without a single penny of taxpayer funding, yet Manx Radio, who has seen its audience steadily decline from 73% to 59% in just over a year, requires almost 1 million pounds of taxpayers money.


Mr Turner said that Manx Radio's assassination attempt on Energy FM smacks of desperation by the radio station which has become a black hole for taxpayers money. Instead of making cuts in the DHSS, cut Manx Radio's funding.


The actual number of people surveyed are below:


15-24 year olds - 37 people

25-34 year olds - 77 people

35-44 year olds - 113 people

45-54 year olds - 95 people

55-64 year olds - 100 people

65+ year olds - 172 people


Makes you wonder about the Governments mantra "value for money"


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"With Chris Moyles yelling loudly today that he is still the saviour of Radio One I thought it would be interesting to see what’s happening with Manx, as they did not refer to their figures this morning!!" - ....surprising if the Energy comments are correct...bearing in mind the use of taxpayers money and freedom of reporting integrity why haven't the figures been reported?


also makes a station with falling audience figures have to justify the advertising rates they charge..with potential or repeat advertisers wanting discounts or cheaper rates...


....just makes you wonder if the top advertising executive should be on a performance related income....an analogy might be a Premier League manager such as Souness...i.e performance doesn't meet expectation=no job..get someone or a team that can deliver...simple (or it would be in private business,,but then again where taxpayers money is involved whoever gets sacked??)!!

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Not that 3FM launching and Energy adopting an all things to all men (and women) format would cost Manx any listeners...


Seems a bit churlish for JT - who was trained at the taxpayers expense at Manx Radio and set up his own station in competition to cater for the youth market - should be so keen to gnaw at the hands that once fed him, and then have the gall to complain because he doesn't like the listening figures - which to my mind MR don't HAVE to substantiate - they're independently assessed by RAJAR!


And what's all this about poor sales performance - until the financial year is over and the accounts are published, nobody will know how well the sales guy has performed - certainly not manxcrackerjack!

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did anyone notice how the kite story about the hydrofoil from Cumbria to IOM first appeared on Border TV..then IOM Examiner..and then eventually on MR.....and how often stories in IOM newspapers then get reported on MR......or even stories off of this forum...I thought we were in the age of ENG (Electronic News Gathering) with immediacy of importance not hearing news thats days old......and which you already know about from other sources...just what is the point of calling it "news" if what you broadcast isn't???

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