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Radio Station Listener Figures


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did anyone notice how the kite story about the hydrofoil from Cumbria to IOM first appeared on Border TV..then IOM Examiner..and then eventually on MR.....and how often stories in IOM newspapers then get reported on MR......or even stories off of this forum...I thought we were in the age of ENG (Electronic News Gathering) with immediacy of importance not hearing news thats days old......and which you already know about from other sources...just what is the point of calling it "news" if what you broadcast isn't???

I guess it could sometimes be a good idea to actually contact the MR news desk if you have a good local story* - electronic age good and well, but MR isn't the BBC, with correspondents on every street corner all across the Island....


As to stories from this forum on the radio - why not? It's a fair tool to gather information, investigate the same, and maybe end up with a newsworthy item of some sort...





*meaning, something for which you have facts - not "I heard that..." "I think that..." "Does anyone know..." and "My mate in the pub heard from a friend..."

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I think the figure of 14 probably includes the fax machine and the newsroom fluffer. It certainly includes part-time and freelance staff and specialists in business, sport and politics. If you added all their stringers, the figure for IOM newspapers would be much greater I guess.


What I DO know is that the newsroom works very hard to be first with Manx news, and if you were objective I think you'd appreciate that. But I'd echo what Amadeus has posted above - ALL news organisations rely on tip-offs and sources...we've only got 14 streets covered full time!

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I think the figure of 14 probably includes the fax machine and the newsroom fluffer. It certainly includes part-time and freelance staff and specialists in business, sport and politics. If you added all their stringers, the figure for IOM newspapers would be much greater I guess.


What I DO know is that the newsroom works very hard to be first with Manx news, and if you were objective I think you'd appreciate that. But I'd echo what Amadeus has posted above - ALL news organisations rely on tip-offs and sources...we've only got 14 streets covered full time!

Just park someone at Shoprite in Ramsey, they'll get all the gossip well in advance.

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You seem to take a simplistic view of the RAJAR figures. If you look at the survey spread you will see a disproportionate spread at the upper end of the market, it’s all very well Manx Radio saying what a large audience they have based on these figures but as a station that likes to call it’s self a commercial station, that end of the commercial market is not the priority for advertisers. The small number of people surveyed over a year (594) cannot give a realistic overview of the listening market, even without taking into consideration the spread.

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It does not matter were Juan was trained, he put his money were his mouth is and launched a radio station at his own cost. As I’ve stated the survey figures are misleading from a commercial aspect. Manx Radio cannot fail to return high figures when the survey is aimed at their audience..


If I was to conduct a survey on a the introduction of an all Island speed limit and interviewed a larger proportion of non drivers and then said the survey shows a call for an all Island speed limit, would you not question the validity of the survey data??


As it’s already been stated on this forum, the question of Manx Radio’s value for money has to be questioned. Remember they receive over £16,000.00 a week for Public Service broadcasting! Whilst I accept that Television (my field) is more expensive to produce than radio, I still fail to see how they can possibly spend that amount every week on PSB on a small local radio station.

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I suppose if you don't advertise during mandate then it's not worth advertising. Thats where the bulk of manx radio's listeners are. Going on lots of people responses here on the forum and people i know.. they only listen for mandate am and pm. When I open up in the morning it's on then i switch over.

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And have you noticed when John Moss presents Mandate he dosn't play all those bloody singing commercials. He seems to only play the short version. No Freedom Travel sing-a-long or Barry Curan Motors blah blah blah

Mind you if I was paying for them I would want to know why he just seems to drop them.

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what a load of rubbish,


who cares what some survey says, none of these polls are ever correct anyway, and reading the post about the survey numbers, they only asked a load of coffin dodgers! I work in statistics all day, I'm a master a spinning them - It's my job . If Manx Radio or Energy could send me the stats, I bet I could come up with a totally differnet spin!


Sepaking of spin and local radio,


My colleague has been trying to win a holiday on a certain station, but I find it rather wiered how they don't tell you where it is, apart from a vast region, how you are getting there, how long it's for or who is providing it?? Is it a publicity stunt to try and get listeners? I think its all rather spurious.


It would be like saying win a car - what a cheap sneaky way of bribing people to listen to that utter middle of the road boring rubbish.......


and that is why I listen to Radio 2, 88.1FM - If you want to TRY IT!! I'm not popular but my desk radio goes louder than her internet stream!! :D

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The pool of listeners that RAJAR research is supposed to reltect the populations demographic make up. I was surprised at the composition of the Island as RAJAR see it - are there really so many retired folk here?


Atlantic 252 suffered at RAJAR's hands because their appeal became focussed on 10 to 20 year olds, while RAJAR only gave diaries to 'adults' - i.e those 16 and over, meaning half the target audience wasn't surveyed.


19% reach for a niche format is very good, many bigger stations would LOVE half that reach figure. Energy should be proud.


RAJAR's figures are currency in commercial radio anditgs shame they seem so unfocussed in some areas. But they ARE improving.

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Heard today that Manx Radio can't believe their luck and have been telling their advertisers that they remain the king pin in Manx broadcasting.

It seems that Energy lost its original listenership, which had been beating Kick FM to hell, (remember the weekend FM thing on Manx??).

In the last few months it seems Energy started to change its music, playing much more 80's & 90's and with much less "edge" to it. Did they know then that the listening figures we not looking good?

So why has Energy failed to make much of an in-road in the crowded middle of the road market.

Maybe trying to find the audience who likes it a bit of "Energy" might be the best idea. No one else is going there.

Guess they can try something different and see their results in the next quarter.

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You seem to take a simplistic view of the RAJAR figures. If you look at the survey spread you will see a disproportionate spread at the upper end of the market, it’s all very well Manx Radio saying what a large audience they have based on these figures but as a station that likes to call it’s self a commercial station, that end of the commercial market is not the priority for advertisers. The small number of people surveyed over a year (594) cannot give a realistic overview of the listening market, even without taking into consideration the spread.


TBH, I thought Turner was whining about nothing. Certainly, to suggest that 594 is too small a number to get an accurate figure is laughable. Provided they got the balance right. So I compared the age split to the last census.




Age Survey Census (excluding under15s)

15-24 6.22% 13.76%

24-34 12.96% 16.55%

35-44 19.02% 18.54%

45-54 15.99% 17.13%

55-64 16.84% 13.66%

65+ 28.96% 20.34%


So the survey 38.16% were under 45, when according to the census 48.85% were.


So he might have a point after all, however, do we know if more over 45's listen to the radio than under 45's?

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