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Obese 'can be refused operations'


(BBC News)


Forty percent of doctors agree obese patients should be refused joint surgery if resources are limited, a survey suggests.


The same proportion felt smokers and drinkers could be barred from certain procedures, the British Medical Association's magazine BMA News found.


The 225 doctors polled said the NHS realistically could not treat everyone.


But they said treatment could be denied only for clinical reasons, rather than because of cost.


The vast majority - 96% - said they would welcome an open debate on rationing in the NHS in order to clear up confusion about the subject.


Right or wrong thinking by the Docs? Everyone pays tax and NI - the emphasis seems to lie on the "certain treatments won't really work" argument, but I somehow think the money aspect is shining through there - and maybe shorter waiting lists - or not?

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Don't be surprised if there are restrictions to the IOM NHS on the grounds of cost in the forseeable future. Best value is the phrase which comes to mind which could well herald cut backs to the NHS and be a prelude to more Private Health Insurance care.

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