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Mobile Telephones While Driving.


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This drives me up the wall.


Your not allowed to use a mobile wile your in control of a vehicle, which is a great thing.


You are however, apparently, allowed to pull over whereever you like, blind corners, double yellows, outside school crossings, to natter on your phone.


Why the hell dont people get a headset and keep moving?


The amount of vehicles getting in the way, stopped, while the inane occupants gabble on thier mobile , simply staggers me.


Is it only me?



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Nope it isn't just you, it is very irritating (and stupid). I think the amount of people who talk whilst holding their phone and drive at the same time seems to be going up again too - I see so many people doing it.

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So why, is nothing being done about it?


The police should be chasing the bods that are obviously chatting on the phone, but what about those causing an obstruction.


There is such a thing as an "urban clearway" in that, unless in an emergancy, the road should be clear.

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i think people who stop in an unsafe places need to retake their driving test as they obvisouly missed the bit about pulling over in a safe and convient place!

Saying that though, 75% of people over here need to retake there test coz i am sure they got their licenses out of cornflake packets! but thats another matter.

What ever happened to courtesy to other road users!


Doughnuts the lot of them!

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Have to agree Issues, the standard of driving here is appalling! I am not an advanced driver by any stretch of the imagination, but I do know how to use indicators, allow someone out of a junction and not stop where I will cause an obstruction! My father used to refer to the latter habit as drivers "slinging the reins on the horse's back"! Pretty descriptive of the mentality of some of the drivers here!

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For cryin out loud . . . don't you get it ?

If your phone rings you've just got to answer it right ?

those guys trying to get past from behind you 'll just have to fuckin wait!! . . .its important OK?

Jeez. . inconsiderate TWATS the lot of them. . .but could they give a toss? . . . er NO!

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We sell car stereos with blue tooth built in which prevents this sort of problem as it's an instant complete hands free.


Wish people would consider this sort of technology if they insist on having their phones on whilst driving.


Worst has got to have been the people who read text messages whilst driving!! :blink:

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For cryin out loud . . . don't you get it ?

If your phone rings you've just got to answer it right ?

those guys trying to get past from behind you 'll just have to fuckin wait!! . . .its important OK?

Jeez. . inconsiderate TWATS the lot of them. . .but could they give a toss? . . . er NO!

I now understand your avatar. :lol: Good sarcasm though!

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If you see a car driver who is using a mobile whilst driving it it's hard to note of the reg #.


However if you see the like of which I have, A Corpy bin wagon reversing into a lane whilst on a mobile, quite a few cabbies doing to same and numerous vehicles with the company logo on the side, report them to the company and the Police stating the vehicle and the time and the area.


Where will this get you? Feking nowhere as the Police can't be bothered to follow it up, the Corpy can't be arsed and the cabbies just tell lies.


If you's don't report them don't expect anyone else to, so therefore don't complain.


I must admit though was the best is the bus driver going along the prom at around 7.50am giving it loads on the old mobile.


Absolutley first rate Manxness.

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I blame the law for this legislation regarding the use of mobile phones whilst driving!


The legislation is there but in reality the Police cannot really police it, so why bring it in, in the first place? :angry:


The law is an ASS.


Last Ten

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The law is an ASS.
Absolute Shit Service, I totally agree, I have seen quite a few people using there mobile phones and its just stupid and dangerous, Also what really annoys me is when you wait at a zebra crossing, people just drive by without a care in the world and rarely have i seen people stop, The law needs to be enforced!
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