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Nintendo Ds Problem


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I'm doing this remotely so I don't have all the info.


My daughter loves playing Super Mario on her DS & she has loads of stars. She has told me that when she plays the game now, it forgets all her stars & she has to start from scratch each time as it doesn't remember her game position. Her other games are fine.


She also said that her pointer stick doesn't work any more in Mario, but works fine in the other games.


Any ideas what could be wrong please?

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I wouldn't have a clue what was wrong but if all other games are fine I'd say it points to a goosed game.


It maybe possible that the cartridge has been corrupted somehow, either through damaged contacts or possible being placed too close to something magnetic (strong magnet!!).


The game saves are all stored on the physical game cartridge so this would go hand in hand with the other fault experienced.


If all other games are fine then this is the only thing I can think it is, and if you have someone you know who has the same game it could be worth proving this fact by using their game or alternatively try the faulty game on a different DS unit.


A case of elimination I'm afraid but it sounds like it's more likely to be the game than the console (which is a good thing!!)


Hope this helps and all works out for you.

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