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The Queen Of Denmark Speaks Out


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The treatment of Jews and Christians by Muslims has sometimes been oppressive but we can also argue that Muslims have been oppressed. The thing that I find hard to come to terms with is Sharia Law with it's higher taxation of Jews & Christians, however not every Muslim state uses this legal system.


Islamic culture at one time was the most advanced in the world, was it not? So I believe it is unfair to say that Islam doesn't move with the times. Muslims believe that they are only now understanding revelations from the Qua-ran with that aid of modern science in turn proving that the validity of there holy book.


That said the Wahhabi Islam emanating from Saudi at the moment is does take the Qua-ran & hadith (the sayings & deeds of the prophet) literally.

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Seems like Rog doesn't like muslims much.

I don't like islam. I consider it to be a repressive foul and malevalent ideology that puts a cold grey hand on social evolution.


If I feel anything for muslim people it is pity that they are held in the grip of islam.

I wonder what you make of people like Abu Hamza, who's very present in the media again at the moment, due to him having been sentenced to 7 years in jail - the Beep website has listed a few of his quotes, one of which reads:




We do not hate Jews because they hurt each other we hate them for their corruption on earth.


A Jew cannot look a Muslim in the eye or pass him knowing they have oppressed a Muslim or some other Jew had oppressed a Muslim elsewhere.


So nation of Mohammed must regain their dignity and this dignity would not be regained unless with blood


Some of his other comments are rather scary from a "western" point of view, and I somehow fear that this whole affair (and any other media reports about "radical muslims" and subsequent replies and statements from western states) will only widen the gap and fuel the hatred on both sides...

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Seems like Rog doesn't like muslims much.

I don't like islam. I consider it to be a repressive foul and malevalent ideology that puts a cold grey hand on social evolution.


If I feel anything for muslim people it is pity that they are held in the grip of islam.

I wonder what you make of people like Abu Hamza, who's very present in the media again at the moment, due to him having been sentenced to 7 years in jail - the Beep website has listed a few of his quotes, one of which reads:




We do not hate Jews because they hurt each other we hate them for their corruption on earth.


A Jew cannot look a Muslim in the eye or pass him knowing they have oppressed a Muslim or some other Jew had oppressed a Muslim elsewhere.


So nation of Mohammed must regain their dignity and this dignity would not be regained unless with blood


Some of his other comments are rather scary from a "western" point of view, and I somehow fear that this whole affair (and any other media reports about "radical muslims" and subsequent replies and statements from western states) will only widen the gap and fuel the hatred on both sides...


Hamza is a particularly noxious individual who should have been kicked out of the UK years ago along with his foul brood.


But the point is that my hatred (not too strong a word) for that creature is not on the grounds that he is a muslim, it is on the grounds of what he has said and (allegedly) done.


My hatred for islam is that it is an ideology – in fact a cult – that contains instructions that a man can take, in fact if he is devout, not an extremist, simply devout, MUST take, and both preach and act upon to harm others who are unbelievers.

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My hatred for islam is that it is an ideology – in fact a cult – that contains instructions that a man can take, in fact if he is devout, not an extremist, simply devout, MUST take, and both preach and act upon to harm others who are unbelievers.


Is that really true, or is it how the extremist Muslims have interpreted the Khoran? I think most of us are agreed that the extremists of any religious/racial/ethnic group are dangerous, but are they really representative of the general "man in the street" of the same groups?

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My hatred for islam is that it is an ideology – in fact a cult – that contains instructions that a man can take, in fact if he is devout, not an extremist, simply devout, MUST take, and both preach and act upon to harm others who are unbelievers.


Is that really true, or is it how the extremist Muslims have interpreted the Khoran? I think most of us are agreed that the extremists of any religious/racial/ethnic group are dangerous, but are they really representative of the general "man in the street" of the same groups?


It's really true.


Most muslims in the UK at least are pragmatic about their religion but as islam gains more of a hold over a community so that community becomes more and more It's really true. These people are not extremists, they are simply fully observant. Think of them as not being born again happy-clappies of Christianity and much less sects such as the Amish, but more as regular church going Methodists to get a perspective of where they sit on the continuum between the two extremes.


Most muslims in the UK at least are pragmatic about their religion akin to the nominal C of E member but as islam gains more of a hold over a community so that community becomes more and more observant.


It’s a vicious circle. Literally. Look at what’s happening in parts of GB. Honour beatings and killings on the increase, shops that will not serve non-muslims, communities in which the women are not permitted to even learn, English, in a few cases – but a growing number - female children not attending schools, and that’s just for starters.


The disastrous multi-cultural experiment has succeeded in seeing the creation of a nation within a nation in the UK, a second nation that in the words of one of its leaders will “leave the British alone if the British leave us alone”.


Life looks like getting interesting in the near future. Especially if the creation of regional assemblies goes ahead. observant. It’s a vicious circle. Literally. Look at what’s happening in parts of GB. Honour beatings and killings on the increase, shops that will not serve non-muslims, communities in which the women are not permitted to even learn, English, in a few cases – but a growing number - female children not attending schools, and that’s just for starters.


The disastrous multi-cultural experiment has succeeded in seeing the creation of a nation within a nation in the UK, a second nation that in the words of one of its leaders will “leave the British alone if the British leave us alone”.


Life looks like getting interesting in the near future. Especially if the creation of regional assemblies goes ahead.

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islam will take our fine islands back 300 years if we let it.


Not 300,



At least regarding morality and in the law and punishment.


The koran is sealed in stone at that date by mohammed stating that jibreel (Gabriel) told him that he (ol' mo) was to be the last prophet.


As what had been written was the very word of g_d it follows that it must be perfect for all time, same with the (Sha’ia) law. Set in stone.


In both Christianity and Judaism this is not the case. Both change with a changing and evolving society. This is impossible in islam.

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