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I'm Confused?


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I was listening to the lovely Hazel on Minx Radio this morn, is it me or did i sense tension in her voice?

Not unlike a tightrope about to snap.

She sounded like there was an election on the horizon.


I agree about the tension - she wasn't the full shilling. An off-day maybe? To be honest I thought she was starting to lose the plot.

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Not unlike a tightrope about to snap.


Hey - we can make a game out of this...just post circus-related comments about Tynwald:


I guess this year could be a bit of a juggling act for some...

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Not unlike a tightrope about to snap.


Hey - we can make a game out of this...just post circus-related comments about Tynwald:


I guess this year could be a bit of a juggling act for some...

The greatest show on Earth.


The ‘big top’ was finally completed and the Donald the ringmaster summoned the clowns to a meeting that he jokingly called a ‘debate’.


“Now then Clowns”, said Donald in an authoritive Manx accent. “We are moving back into our old home and its cost a fookin fortune, so we had better make good use of it! Especially if some of you normal clowns want to keep your jobs this autumn.”


The normal clowns looked worried and quite rightly so. As they whispered amongst themselves, they kept glancing out of the corner of their eyes at the special clowns who did not fear for their jobs because the public did not have to buy tickets to keep them in work.


“What are we going to do then?” shouted Alex the little clown, waving his brush in the air to get the ring masters attention. The ringmaster almost replied but was interrupted by Tony clown who suddenly woke up from his sleep and stared shouting, “Order, Order!” His lips were hardly visible beneath his joke moustache, non the less the noise he made was enough to wake Adrian’D clown up who woke with such a start he jumped to his feet and started asking questions, much to the amazement of the other clowns.


“There you have it!” exclaimed Donald, “Start asking questions and then get the other clowns to give jokes as replies!” The room became electric with conversation and the nodding clowns talked loudly to each other about what questions to ask. However the electric atmosphere made Eddie clown feel uneasy. His fellow jugglers seemed a bit bothered by the situation too.


Phil clown rose slowly to his feet amongst the furore and waited patiently for the noise to drop before announcing that this debate was going far too fast and proposed a speed limit be placed upon things in the interests of safety. “But we won’t get anything done at all if we go any slower” moaned Peter clown despairingly. “No change there then” replied the Ring Master. “Thank God for that” added Pam clown with a sigh of relief. Motion carried.


“So,” the Ring Master continued, “If we all start asking lots of questions and give silly replies, will our jobs be safe?” The room fell silent. “Well it’s worked before but what if it doesn’t work this time? I think we should have an enquiry.” Demanded Peter clown. With that, the room started to fill with chatter again and using the cover of distraction Alan clown tiptoed towards the door in a vain attempt to escape the attention of any proposed enquiry. Dominic clown spotted him but was helpless to stop him on his own and the other clowns let him get away.


Peter clown was not finished there however, and came up with more good ideas for questions that would provide entertainment to the public and keep them all in work. He rattled them off like bullets from a machine gun. Iris, Incinerator, Nobles, Wedding Cake, Prison, Mount Murray, Airport, Roundabouts, FSC, MEA, The Police, Leg-Co, Ring Masters Safe, “QUICK! SOMEONE SHUT HIM UP!” screamed Claire clown at the top of her tiny voice.


Hazel clown jumped in at this point and suggested that Peter clown’s questions were very good and should provide plenty of entertainment value but would be far easier to understand if he were to make them in Manx. As most people cannot speak Manx it was unanimously agreed by the other clowns that this resolution be passed in order to keep the joke secret.


Dominic clown was next to stand to attention and demanded to know about rumours that some of the clowns had been moonlighting. “I know its happening” he insisted and claimed that as many as five thousand clowns were working illegally. “Rubbish”, snarled the Ring Master. To which Dominic replied “Exactly! They have even been working at the incinerator.” Pam and Clair the fire breathing clowns looked innocently away as if they knew something about this but everyone knows that they use zip fire lighters to start the incinerator in the morning, don’t they?


As he ended the meeting, the Ring Master summed up what was expected of all his loyal clowns between now and this November. “Go out there and do what you do best. Tell a few jokes and gain the confidence of the public to get them to pay you to work another term in this fine new building. Make sure you promise a lot, but deliver bugger all and remember; when the time comes do not worry if you are not asked to come back. We can’t all be clowns for ever.”

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I wonder who would be in the side shows :huh:


The scorpion woman


The snake tounged man


The cadaver king


The eighth dwarf


Mr Mumbles, son of Unwin


Mr Juggles, a wiz with accounts



Im sure you all have your own favorites

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I think it is so kind of the Hansard reporter (aka Paul H) to give the Forum the benefit of the highlights of the proceedings before the official Hansard transcripts are published on the official Tynwald site - it saves having to go through all the bureaucratic crap. Hope he can continue going along and giving such a wonderful insight into our political system - keeps the whole family entertained - the "janet and john" of Manx Politics - or should that be "aalish and juan" version ?

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