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Manx Voters To Go To Polls At 16

The Old Git

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Surely, regardless of whether or not 16 year ols are mature enough to vote, you cant agree with "taxation without representation"?


If theyre giving prisoners the vote then i dont see how anyone can deny a body the free citizens of the Island rightly or wrongly.


Just to play devil's advocate, how can you say someone of 16 is any less mature than someone of thirty or seventy?


Whilst an older person can claim life experiences, they cant claim to have more intelligence, depth of understanding of the system or common right.


does that mean introducing means testing for the vote?


Just because the vote will be there for them doesn't mean that anyone will actually use it and chances are the less mature 16 year olds will just laugh at the whole situation.


As was said in the Keys, most of them are far too alienated from the system anyway to give a damn.

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Surely, regardless of whether or not 16 year ols are mature enough to vote, you cant agree with "taxation without representation"?


The rest of Europe seem to, or are we just more enlightened than they are?


how can you say someone of 16 is any less mature than someone of thirty or seventy?


When I was 16 I thought I knew it all, now I realise I was just a kid still

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I've searched and searched but can't find any threads on these forums that are asking, demanding or suggesting that Tynwald lower the age of voting to 16.


Ah well, maybe it was just one of those things we all really needed but just didn't know it, whereas They did.


The beauty of it is, in a few years time when most mothers are 14 doing cigarettes and alcopops regularly then The Government can simply lower the age to 15 and become more popular again when things are getting a bit low ebb. Although when I think about that theory it would have to all stop somewhere.


Personally, I would rather take the lead from the UK and the rest of the world just about, on this one.

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Ah well, maybe it was just one of those things we all really needed but just didn't know it, whereas They did.

Sure about that?


"It may be that only a few 16- and 17-year-olds will want to vote," Mr Rodan said.

Because it doesn't sound like it to me.


I can't find any stated justification for it at all which to me means a gimmick, nothing more. Any links anyone?

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To be honest alot of 16 year olds wont vote in the first place as most dont know anything about local politics. But if the voting age is lowered (and presumably you are now classed as an adult) then surely you are then adult enough to smoke and drink legally? There should be an age which you are definetly (spelling?) an adult and you should be allowed to do anything. There shouldnt be classed as an adult for one thing then a chikd for the next. (sorry I think i went abit of the point). Personally I dont think lowering the age will do anything and it wont get 15 year olds excited when they learn they can vote in a year alot of them wont care.

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Totally agree that there should be a set age for everything, If the drinking age is lowered to 16 i can't see it would do it any harm, In France the drinking age is 14 and you hardly see any violence or young people shouting in the streets there. Some pubs are quite empty in the Island and the more people who drink in pubs, The better the selection of drinks!

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I think even if us 16/17yr olds could vote, and understood it, we wouldn't vote anyway because most of the MHK's lack in an ability to think independantly or outside the box. Basically, whats the point, bar 4 or 5 they are all stuffed and mounted.


Follow the trail of money.....

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Fancy being stuffed and mounted for a cool £35k a year for the next five?


Get yourself a couple hundred schoolmates to vote you in. I am sure the other schools will support you, just for the lark if nothing else!!!


And you'd go down in history as the youngest MHK.


Now . . . let's liven this Island up from a 16 year old's point of view . . . . what would your policies be?

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Well clearly free cake for all....


Seriously, I'd probably tackle issues about lack of entertainment for YOUTHS (sorry couldn't think of a better word), so actually go out and find out what they want, and see whats best.


Get me my damned reasonable sailing times for Ireland back, such pratty timing.


Bit of Renewable energy, larger grants for small sized renewable energy projects at home (Small Wind Turbines or what not)


Taking some funding off the DoT that they waste relaying the same stretches of road twice a year and put it into DHSS or DoE (bigger grants for students going to the UK)


Have a spat with some of the Ancient ones, over the MEA especially.


Question (or I want) a change in rates of VAT so I can have duty free, but it wont happen...

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I think Doric has a very very good idea in that a 16 - 18 year old should stand, or maybe one from Castle Rushen, one from QEII, one from Ramsey, one from St Ninians, and one from Ballakermeen..

....surely at least would capture enough young voters to get elected...

...think of the shame on the has been crets beaten by someone still at school...

..perhaps I should incorprate some ideas for youth candiates into the party's manifesto and see if any in the youth category want to stand under the party name....

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I think Doric has a very very good idea in that a 16 - 18 year old should stand, or maybe one from Castle Rushen, one from QEII, one from Ramsey, one from St Ninians, and one from Ballakermeen..

....surely at least would capture enough young voters to get elected...

...think of the shame on the has been crets beaten by someone still at school...

..perhaps I should incorprate some ideas for youth candiates into the party's manifesto and see if any in the youth category want to stand under the party name....

Which party?

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