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Manx Voters To Go To Polls At 16

The Old Git

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I don't see why so many people are up in arms about this. Granted, there probably won't be many 16-year-olds who will want to vote or even care about who is in Government and who isn't - but surely there will be some who do? Even if this means an increase of (for example) only 1% on election day, then surely that's a step in the right direction isn't it?


I disagree with what David Cannan was saying in the paper last week, something along the lines of "16 year olds can't handle the responsibility or will not fully understand what they are doing."


Firstly, that could be perceived as a derogatory comment - particularly when some 30-something year olds don't have a clue about local issues either. Also, if what he says is the case, then teenagers won't bother voting will they? No problems created.


In my opinion it's a positive step. Those who want to vote will do, the others won't. Simple as.

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agree with Blue Kipper - I just think it would be very very interesting if someone like Girl89 were to stand and if for no other reason than to see how many of the younger electorate would vote.....she has a sensible and mature attitude and, as I've said before, she would have nothing to lose and lots to gain (and even if she were unsucessful and not elected)...if she has drive and ambition there would be nothing to stop her...

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This is the kind of comment I would expect from Cannan - getting a bit long in the tooth and too set in his ways.


I thinks its time for him to step down and let the younger generation step in - probably the reason why he made the comment - as he seems to believe politics is for the older generation !!

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Has anyone attempted to hold a conversation with a 16 year old recently?

You may fall lucky and encounter someone of that age who can concentrate for more than 5 minutes or, an even greater rarity, someone of that age who can actually string a sentence together without the need for anyone over 30 to send for an interpreter.


To be fair, I wonder if some of our existing MHKs are suffering from arrested development and are trapped in adolescence. Has anyone listened to Peter Karran's embarassing attempts to make a point ?

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Don't tar all of them with the same brush, most 16-year-olds I know are perfectly capable of holding decent adult conversation.


At the level of Peter Karran maybe.


I prefer to think I didn't spute utter crap before the 30 seconds was up......

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Don't tar all of them with the same brush, most 16-year-olds I know are perfectly capable of holding decent adult conversation.


At the level of Peter Karran maybe.


I prefer to think I didn't spute utter crap before the 30 seconds was up......


OK ..maybe I gave a bad example :rolleyes:

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"So, Minister... what was your opinion on the budget debate?"


"Errr..well... like... y'know how whatsisname was saying, like... y'know...about them taxes an' that... and all that stuff. Know what I mean, like. Well, anyway, like, I turns to him, like and I says, y'know, like 'what's all that about, then, pal? Y'know what I mean? And he turns to me, like, and he says, like............"

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Is there not a higher age limit on those who stand for election? In the British Elections you have to be over 21 to stand for election, is it not the same on the Island.

According to the Representation of the People Act 1995, which just so happens to be at hand, the qualifications for membership of the Keys are:


Any person may stand as a candidate for and be elected a member of the Keys for a constituency if at the time he is nominated as a candidate -


( a ) he is of full age


( b ) he either is a British citizen or has the right to remain in the Island; and


( c ) he is not holder of any office of profit under the government of any country or territory outside the Island; and


( d ) he is ordinarily resident in the Island and has been so resident for a period of, or for periods amounting in the aggregate to, 5 years or more; and


( e ) he is not subject to any incapacity by virtue of this or any other Act



So being 18 is enough - although it only refers to "he" all the time - not PC, is it?


"So, Minister... what was your opinion on the budget debate?"


"Errr..well... like... y'know how whatsisname was saying, like... y'know...about them taxes an' that... and all that stuff. Know what I mean, like. Well, anyway, like, I turns to him, like and I says, y'know, like 'what's all that about, then, pal? Y'know what I mean? And he turns to me, like, and he says, like............"

You have to admit, there's some comedy value in that thought....


Free WKD for everyone, skating as national sport, and the new National Anthem is from Green Day - sorted!

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"So, Minister... what was your opinion on the budget debate?"


"Errr..well... like... y'know how whatsisname was saying, like... y'know...about them taxes an' that... and all that stuff. Know what I mean, like. Well, anyway, like, I turns to him, like and I says, y'know, like 'what's all that about, then, pal? Y'know what I mean? And he turns to me, like, and he says, like............"

You have to admit, there's some comedy value in that thought....


Free WKD for everyone, skating as national sport, and the new National Anthem is from Green Day - sorted!


MHK Karaoke night at the railway, Peter Karran Chair with his version of Bananna phone for the Manx National Anthem....


Bell was very smug on Budget day it seems, at least they have sorted the DHSS out for next year....

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