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Manx Voters To Go To Polls At 16

The Old Git

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how to do a poll to see what electoral support there would be for someone young like say girl89 standing...



Well considering that you must have a couple of hundred 16 plus year olds in 5th, 6th and 7th forms across the Island I am surprised that we've not had some potential school-kid candidates come forward.


It would be great. If you look at the past voting stats, in some sheadings it would only take a couple of hundred votes to get one of your mates in. In fact the voting power across these three school years would be massive - if they were clever they could basically do what they liked.

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It would be great. If you look at the past voting stats, in some sheadings it would only take a couple of hundred votes to get one of your mates in. In fact the voting power across these three school years would be massive - if they were clever they could basically do what they liked.


Its exactly that sort of immature thinking which provides a compelling argument that children should not be granted a vote.

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Funny that, because Manxchatterbox originally raised the point (in a serious capacity anyway) and i'm fairly sure she's old enough to vote. Are you saying her vote should be withdrawn?


I think AlexMcC put forward some compelling reasons to vote for him earlier on in the discussion if he stood, certainly he or somebody like him would shake things up in the Govt.


And "he is of full age" is a bit vague is it not? "Of full age" to do what exactly? We're assuming of full age to vote...yet they are certainly not considered "of full age" to do other things "adults" are allowed to do.


I know a certain amount of 16 year olds who I think would be able to hold their own in the House of Keys, i think if someone came to me with a set of proposals that i believed in i would vote for them no matter what age they were.

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It would be great. If you look at the past voting stats, in some sheadings it would only take a couple of hundred votes to get one of your mates in. In fact the voting power across these three school years would be massive - if they were clever they could basically do what they liked.


Its exactly that sort of immature thinking which provides a compelling argument that children should not be granted a vote.



That, my friend, is exactly the point.


Voting at 16 deserves to be abused because its a stupid idea. All this is doing is giving candidates the ability to used school functions and PTA events as a platform to squeeze in extra votes. Its not about "empowering" anyone under age 18 its about finding impressional people who want to excercise their rights..

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Funny that, because Manxchatterbox originally raised the point (in a serious capacity anyway) and i'm fairly sure she's old enough to vote. Are you saying her vote should be withdrawn?


Well ... given the evidence of the main body of her posts and limitations on voting contained in existing legislation ...... there might just be an argument to be made.


I know a certain amount of 16 year olds who I think would be able to hold their own in the House of Keys, i think if someone came to me with a set of proposals that i believed in i would vote for them no matter what age they were.


You do appreciate such an individual is legally considered a child and entitled by law to be supported / maintained ?

Do you also appreciate such a person can be placed into care ?


Wise up. Its a gimmick

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Well ... given the evidence of the main body of her posts and limitations on voting contained in existing legislation ...... there might just be an argument to be made.


Are we talking about the Mental Health Act here?

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You do appreciate such an individual is legally considered a child and entitled by law to be supported / maintained ?

Do you also appreciate such a person can be placed into care ?


Wise up. Its a gimmick


Okay they may be required by law to be supported but i know a fair amount of 16 years olds who left school and supported themselves. They became young workers and have survived, why should it be any different for a young worker that goes into politics?


Yet 16 year olds can leave school and get a job, be that an office job or becoming a soldier. They pay tax, why should they not have a say in how it is spent?


In some ways i think tynwald have voted for it because it is a gimmick, one that makes the seem proactive and a progressive government. It's a policy that i agree with so it's got to be a good thing although i'd like to see better education of the governmental system in schools. It would allow a base knowledge of local politics, something that will allow young people to make more informed decisions for the rest of their life.

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Okay they may be required by law to be supported but i know a fair amount of 16 years olds who left school and supported themselves. They became young workers and have survived, why should it be any different for a young worker that goes into politics?


Yet 16 year olds can leave school and get a job, be that an office job or becoming a soldier. They pay tax, why should they not have a say in how it is spent?

I feel my grip on reality slipping here.


The only votes a 16 year-old would get would be from .............. other 16 year olds!


What would their election platform be I wonder? No tax on alcopops. Lower the drinking age to errrr.... 16 (after all, you can vote at 16). Being able to buy ciggies at 10. No more Geography lessons. Mandatory school uniform of hoodies and trainers. All scooters to have their exhausts removed. All sentences to end with "init?". Doormen at clubs to show proper "respect" to the pimply, boozed-up, knuckle-dragging "clientel".


Yep - lowering the voting age to 16 is a real winner!


PS - you can join the forces at 16 but you can't go into action until 18. Says it all really.

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Okay they may be required by law to be supported but i know a fair amount of 16 years olds who left school and supported themselves. They became young workers and have survived, why should it be any different for a young worker that goes into politics?


Very interesting indeed. You will also be familiar with employment legislation and codes of practice which insist employers make special allowance for young workers in, for example, disciplinary procedures.

Why do you think that is ? :)

Do we then have to look forward to the possibility of elected representatives who require special allowances to be made for their behaviour by virtue of their ....................... (age) ?

The tax argument is an interesting one. However, I am quite capable of checking the level of personal allowances in this fair Isle and weighing that against average salaries for 16 year old sprogs. To be fair to all concerned, the argument has some merit but it isnt a particularly strong one.

Best thing 16 year old people can do is enjoy being young.

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I like my geography it's quite funny in lessons :P


I agree that most would vote for others without thinking about who or what they represent except for what put directly under their noses such as manifestos and stupid pledges.


They are starting to teach politics at A Level at Ninians next year, a year too late for me :angry:


If I was voting, I'd vote for Delaney in Douglas West, I like the fact he challanges the chickens and turkeys in the yard :rolleyes:

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