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Gynaecology Service Destroyed By Inept Politicians And Managers


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I think it is wrong to cut this service because it gives a lot of people pleasure tracing their ancestors especially those that have retired who are researching their family tree.

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The following is a press statement released by Mr Henderson



Media Statement



Bill Henderson, MHK

North Douglas


9th of February, 2006



North Douglas MHK makes further comment on Health Service cuts and reveals there are more serious implications to follow.


Bill Henderson made further public comment on the shock announcements of front line health service provision cuts.


“I am astonished and angry at what is unfolding in this desperate scenario that will place the DHSS in a health crisis. The imposition made by Treasury for the DHSS to make £1.5 million saving next year to gain Treasury and CoMin approval to apply to Tynwald for an additional £6.5millon to cover this years overspend has caused chaos. This will ultimately affect the health care of the people of this Island,” Mr. Henderson said.


“I place the blame for this latest scandal firmly on the desk of the Chief Minister and his ministerial colleagues. How on earth did Donald Gelling think that the DHSS were going to make savings in the first place? I predicted in the Tynwald debate for the additional funding that front line services would be ultimately affected and this assessment has turned out to be absolutely correct. The Chief Minister should be leading this serious situation up, and instructing all Government Departments to look at ways of making savings. Not just hitting our Health.” Mr. Henderson went on.


“The Council of Ministers have made a serious judgement error in supporting this strategy. The air is full of incompetence and miss directed loyalties. Resignations must follow. It has now been disclosed to me that more serious cuts are being proposed and actively being considered by the Council of Ministers,” Mr. Henderson revealed –


· Cuts to social service and mental health training

· Charging for non UK visitors

· Vacancy control

· Heating savings at Newland complex for the elderly


More seriously –

· Children’s resource unit – delayed opening

· Rationalisation of child spot placements – cuts

· Carers strategy – money to help the voluntary carers of sick relatives – cut

· Massive reduction in bank and agency staff use – 75%

· Merger of wards

· Reduction of theatre sessions

· Waiting lists to go up

· Waiting list initiatives to cease

· Ophthalmic centre - cuts

· Possible increase of transfers off Island because of closure of ITU beds

· Cross Hospital – multiple bed closures

· Child benefit and prescription charges to be assessed for cuts


“I am mortified at this latest emerging news. This will mean further reductions in front line services, waiting list will go up and extend further and ultimately reduced services for the public. Health is our priority and this must be stopped. There have to be more appropriate ways of initiating any savings. This has to be a cross Governmental issue,” Mr. Henderson went on.


“ Staff, relatives and members of the public have inundated me with their concerns. A letter of no confidence has already been signed by staff at the Hospital. This tells us the seriousness of the situation and a shocking indictment of the real situation of our health service and £200million new hospital,” Mr. Henderson stated.


Mr. Henderson said that he will bring the whole matter to this months Tynwald. And stressed this was a matter of great public interest and urgency and would fight these measures at all costs. He also stressed his support for staff and was seriously concerned at the additional pressure this would place them under.






Contact – Bill Henderson – Tynwald Members Rooms –


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I beg to differ Mr Smelly. Mr Henderson is one of the Politicians that does care and can easily be demonstrated by the amount of work he has done throughout the last five years. i also dont think he needs to worry much about getting in again.

Anyway please try and stick to what is important here MASSIVE CUTS TO OUR LEVEL OF HEALTH CARE

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· Carers strategy – money to help the voluntary carers of sick relatives – cut

· Massive reduction in bank and agency staff use – 75%

· Merger of wards

· Reduction of theatre sessions

· Waiting lists to go up

· Waiting list initiatives to cease

· Ophthalmic centre - cuts

· Possible increase of transfers off Island because of closure of ITU beds

· Cross Hospital – multiple bed closures

· Child benefit and prescription charges to be assessed for cuts






Contact – Bill Henderson – Tynwald Members Rooms –



Wheres the help for carers then? Im a carer and ive had no help at all, except a useless respite worker who took my dh to a pub and got him drunk, bet you all can guess who the agency involved is.


I recently visited a friend in hospital, she was admitted to ward 2, however they are very short on beds and she was moved into the private ward at the expense of the government. Am looking forward to hearing where people will go when they close more beds.


My dh was seriously ill in the itu and needed to be transferred but became too ill for this to be possible, so if he had been given no choice with no bed in the itu, he would be dead now.


Dh is waiting for a test at the moment, hes in a lot of pain, i chased it up last week, the gp referred him for a test but the consultant cant do it-due to lack of funds perhaps?


I know we are lucky here compared to some places across but this is starting to take the pi$$.

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I'm just reading the articles about this in the Examiner with cynical amazement.


Are we seriously supposed to believe that a group of 4 DHSS managers wrote a report for COMIN concerning cuts and neither the CEO nor the Minister knew what was in it?


Any Bernard will tell you about the procedures involved getting a paper to COMIN and everything, but everything goes past your CEO and your Minister FIRST! Sir Humphreys everywhere will tell you one can't have just ANYONE in the minister's briefs! Anarrchy is the end result... courageous decisions could be taken!


And of course, in the column marked 'consultation?' they had written 'n/a' because they probably - in law - dont have to consult with anyone when making financial cuts. But seriously, what personnel courses had these people been on?


And then there is the absolute belter from the CEO complaining that he felt 'disappointed that they felt the need to do this without first approaching me to discuss their concerns' - the man must have an ego the size of nobles hospital. Part of the job of being CEO is to take the flack and not to blame your staff for your mistakes - a big boy wrote the report minister and then ran away.... how to win over your staff with your personal charm....

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