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Funktonic - Warbaby!


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Well its not working for me....but if you dont want to tell me then fine.

why are you finding any reason to make a dig? 1st its because who im with in one photagraph, then my appearance then, whether im good at maths or whether your computer is better than mine. Quite pathetic really for a 22 (see got it right this time!) year old 'man'

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and who said that I wasnt old enough to get into a club at all?


You, when you mentioned in another thread that you are still at school? (Knoxville's link was to that thread)


My original post to Mupster which seems to have sparked all this off, was actually just tongue in cheek, it wasn't meant to cause a fight.

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Well its not working for me....but if you dont want to tell me then fine.

why are you finding any reason to make a dig? 1st its because who im with in one photagraph, then my appearance then, whether im good at maths or whether your computer is better than mine. Quite pathetic really for a 22 (see got it right this time!) year old 'man'


Never said my computer was better than yours, just it works fine for me!


Well I can't help it if you can't add or subtract can I.


Your appearance, I can't help that either.


Who your with ( NOOB, moaning bitch ) can't help that either.


And I'm not that old really, 22 AGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's not pathetic, I'm stating a point and making a point, which I have done. You've just been caught in the cross-fire thats all.


But if mups wants to shut me, then hes welcome to................more than welcome to..........I'd love to see him get thrown out of another club hahahahahaha

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and who said that I wasnt old enough to get into a club at all?


You, when you mentioned in another thread that you are still at school? (Knoxville's link was to that thread)


My original post to Mupster which seems to have sparked all this off, was actually just tongue in cheek, it wasn't meant to cause a fight.


Thank you! :D


I like Minxie, she can come on the Pirate ship any time!


Sparkly things, your not allowed until you admitt I was right.

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Yes I am still at school in 6th form doing my A-levels which ranges from 16-18 years old.

I dont think it was ur fault minxie but when someone who has never met me starts insulting me becuase im in a picture....I think that he was the the one who has started the fight over it by making remarks that are obviously offensive to other people just because he doesnt agree with their POV.

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Yes I am still at school in 6th form doing my A-levels which ranges from 16-18 years old.

I dont think it was ur fault minxie but when someone who has never met me starts insulting me becuase im in a picture....I think that he was the the one who has started the fight over it by making remarks that are obviously offensive to other people just because he doesnt agree with their POV.


16 to 18 year olds, with you being the same age as G89? As we know shes in her first year of A levels, she did say that in a thread awhile ago. Can't be assed looking for it. So that would make her 16-17 years old then, unless shes a mong and had to repeat her year at school, then she'd be 17-18!

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But its not my fault im stuck in the cross fire, you are the one who brought me into it. I never said that you could help all the things that you've mentioned but i just dont think that comments you've made were nessercary. I dont see what you ahve to be right about but i only started to read this when you stared insulting me so maybe i missed the point you were trying to make.


I dont really want to be on your pirate ship until you've said sorry! lol :P

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But its not my fault im stuck in the cross fire, you are the one who brought me into it. I never said that you could help all the things that you've mentioned but i just dont think that comments you've made were nessercary. I dont see what you ahve to be right about but i only started to read this when you stared insulting me so maybe i missed the point you were trying to make.


I dont really want to be on your pirate ship until you've said sorry! lol :P


Well you can be the grog whench then!

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