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Manx Radio [again]


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They seem to be quite "go for it" in the radio interviews of late, poor old Hazel seemed on the back foot the other day.


But the interview this morning seemed a bit harsh in regard to rent payers in Willaston, it went something like " and some of them cant even read or write"


Is it me or is that a tad insensitive?

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They seem to be quite "go for it" in the radio interviews of late, poor old Hazel seemed on the back foot the other day.


But the interview this morning seemed a bit harsh in regard to rent payers in Willaston, it went something like " and some of them cant even read or write"


Is it me or is that a tad insensitive?

I thought the interview with Ma Hannan was very good - great lumps were pulled out of her logic with very simple and well-prepared questions. She came through as what she really is - far less than perfect.


This is the sort of attention that should be given to the Talking Heads debates. It's difficult for Dan to do everying - DJ, newspaper reviews, chit-chat and then launch into a serious topic such as Nobles Hospital.


I would have liked to hear a decent 40-minute discussion / phone-in this morning instead of the 15 minutes we got.

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They seem to be quite "go for it" in the radio interviews of late, poor old Hazel seemed on the back foot the other day.


But the interview this morning seemed a bit harsh in regard to rent payers in Willaston, it went something like " and some of them cant even read or write"


Is it me or is that a tad insensitive?

I thought the interview with Ma Hannan was very good - great lumps were pulled out of her logic with very simple and well-prepared questions. She came through as what she really is - far less than perfect.


This is the sort of attention that should be given to the Talking Heads debates. It's difficult for Dan to do everying - DJ, newspaper reviews, chit-chat and then launch into a serious topic such as Nobles Hospital.


I would have liked to hear a decent 40-minute discussion / phone-in this morning instead of the 15 minutes we got.


I thought I'd join my erstwhile colleague Mr Peters on the forums and actually post under my own name to respond to some of the comments made.


You're quite right G4 - it is hard to balance everything into the one show... paper review, competitions, adverts. I'd love to do 40 minutes on a topic like the Nobles cost cuts this morning, but there are a few things to think about :-


1. Ads - I have 4 ad breaks per hour which have to be played. These are of varying length, but are generally no shorter than 1 and a half minutes.


2. Callers. May sound odd, but sometimes I get no callers at all on a topic. This morning I got four callers wanting to talk about the NHS situation. That was one of the reasons why the discussion only lasted 15 minutes. Last week I did a call in on speed limits and the phones didn't stop, and we did a good forty minutes. I also got two texts and an email about the debate. Sometimes - like yesterday talking about smoking I got no calls at all, or at least no callers who wanted to go on air. I got a load of texts and emails so I read those out, but it does sound better when people are prepared to talk on air. People do still bemoan the lack of a daily mannin line, but there is the opportunity every day to make a comment on Talking Heads, but very often I start a topic and there is no response at all. Perhaps it's the wrong topic - so feel free to phone in and tell me what's on your mind. Provided it's legal and broadcastable anyway.


3. Music - got to try and play some music. People don't want to listen to a straight forty minutes of talk. Well, maybe some people do, but we are in the situation where we have to be all things to all people. Music station, current affairs, community broadcaster, news etc...


4. Other stuff. If you listen to the 9 o'clock hour, I have the news, weather from Met Office, Obituaries, Ads and thought for the day. If you look at the clock, it's probably around 17 minutes past 9 before I actually do my first link. Then if you add up the ads, the 'just a minute' feature and any other bits and pieces that leaves me with around 30 minutes for the first hour. Add in the paper review which is about 10 minutes (have to do that, it's sponsored) and you've got time for about 3 tracks of music. I'm not saying this as a complaint, but just so you can see how much there is to squeeze in. The other hours are maybe not as crammed, but there's still the adverts and the other sponsored stuff for the hour.


5. I do try and keep the interviews / phone-ins as local and relevant as possible rather than just relying on off-island issues. Sometimes it can be difficult to get 10 interesting and local pieces a week, so if you see something which is interesting or would be worth an interview. Let me know! Always glad for some feedback/ideas/leads.



So there it is.... **waits for flames to rain down** my opinion for what it's worth..

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Got to nip off to the bank before it closes, so a brief reply.


I guessed you got few callers, I am sure there is more interest in a topic such as the hospital than the 15 minutes or so that it received. I would suggest revisiting it again later, invite feedback from some politicians although now that there's an election on the horizon they will all have something to say.


Every country has problems in this area, here in Switzerland 25% of GP practices are in the red and in danger of going bankrupt (it's not a state system).


Maybe a themed health services show once a month? Now that the Mannin Line has been relegated to Sundays only, this is something that could be looked at.

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Bank from the bank in a snow storm!


Apart from the news and adverts nothing is 100% sacrosant, you could always ditch a few of the program fillers once in a while to give more time to an interesting topic.


A few days ago you have a really good studio conversation going which was cut short due to lack of time - a real shame!

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Beth Espey is wasted on Manx Radio...... I mean wasted talent and not stoned out of her head.

I look forward to Monday evenings to listen to who she is going to reduce to a jibbering mess next.David Callister is good too but I don't like him because he tried to run me over once.

I always imagined Dan Davies to be taller in real life. :(

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