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Homosexuality Has 'health Implications' Says Minister


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Vast majority of HIV/AIDS affected people in the world are heterosexual.


Mainly in Africa.


Maybe FCMR could let us know his views on that?



Maybe you should check out the sex life of the Africans and Muslims before posting

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Well done FCMR, perfect example why it is a good idea to place homosexuality on the same level as heterosexuality when teaching in schools. It will help educate ignorant people just like you.

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Ignoring the overt homophobia and stupidity thus far posted by our resident bigots (you know who you are)

Section 38 prevents the 'promotion' of homosexuality


firstly, I'm not sure you can promote homosexuality, maybe we should hold gay workshops to assist with this promotion


secondly, put yourself in the situation of social workers, teachers, health care professionals and welfare officers, if someone comes to you with a problem or worries that includes discussing their sexuality, if you in any way discuss homosexuality (other than in a totally negative way) you are in danger of breaking the law - if reported you can get into trouble.


If as a health care professional you tell a male gay couple to use condoms to prevent STD's, you are effectively promoting homosexuality and are breaking the law.


The law as it stands is a nonsense.


Do they think that if repealed there will be a sudden surge in gayness ???


(edited to say mr sausages you snook in there with your post whilst I was calming down enough to reply)

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Well done FCMR, perfect example why it is a good idea to place homosexuality on the same level as heterosexuality when teaching in schools. It will help educate ignorant people just like you.

I do not agree. There are differences between the sexes, besides the obvious physical ones. A child with heterosexual parents sees both sides and gets a balanced view. The same just can't be true of a child in a homosexual partnership. Also we live in a "majority rules" society albeit a tolerant one. Therefore I think homosexuality should not be put on the same level but a proportional level to the norm. And I use that word very carefully.


Ignoring the overt homophobia and stupidity thus far posted by our resident bigots (you know who you are)
A bit of a stupid remark, after all, if you ignore differring points of view then you're a bigot. In any event, you can't mean me....
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Vast majority of HIV/AIDS affected people in the world are heterosexual.


Mainly in Africa.


Maybe FCMR could let us know his views on that?


Don't ask him questions like that. He'll probably go into a rant about AIDS riddled African heterosexuals ruining the building trade and claiming too much benefit whilst staying too long in holiday cottages

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Living has health implications, so, to ease the figures, perhaps we should all just do the decent thing!


What a ludicrous statement from one of those in charge!


Zippy's concerns were interesting and worth a moment of reflection. Where does this helter skelter of daft legislated mind-control stop? Legislation should deal with how we conduct ourselves, not how we think. It should not try to change attitudes per se, but create an environment to allow attitudes to ripen and change. That may be in line with the legislation, or it may not, but it should be led from what the ordinary man in the street finds acceptable, not what some piece of legislation tells him it should be!

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Well how much does alcohol cost the Health service ?


Lets hope we never get any alcoholic gay aids victims on th island it could bring the health service to a halt.


Last one to the pub is a homo

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