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If You Had A Dream


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If I had a dream where I opened up a club it would be on top of Snaefell, and the all of the music would be played live on bongos, and the dress code would be "ninja costumes" only.


And when the clock struck midnight you'd look out of the window and realise that Snaefell had turned into a street in Paris and you'd go outside with your best mate who was Toadfish from Neighbours, but had your best mates personality and it would really confuse you for a bit as you tried to work out who he was. But then you'd forget about it and walk down the street and go into a cafe and inside the cafe would be all the people you work with doing their jobs like in the office you work in, except the layout would be like your school, and by now you've completely forgotten that you started off your night dressed up as a ninja on Snaefell.


Then your alarm clock would wake you up, and you'd think to yourself "Oh no, maybe if I try really hard I'll be able to get back to sleep and get back into that dream" - but you'll never manage that.


Then you'll think "that was really weird, how my brain got confused between my best mate and Toadfish from Neighbours. I wonder why that person in my dream was a combination of both of them? They're not even similar in any way. How bizarre!"


And then you'd briefly remember the rest of the dream and smile to yourself thinking "That was a bit nuts, I've got to tell someone about that" but half an hour you'd have forgotten about the whole thing, and if you do remember bits you'll never end up telling anyone about it in case they think you're weird.

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Mine would be at Daft Punk's house and Geoff Capes would be on the decks playing back to back with Jimmy Corkhill from 'brookie'


Halfway into the night there will be an argument between Geoff and Jimmy about who was gonna play 'agadoo', In a desperate attempt to impress the 'Daft Punk' Jimmy texted his good friend Jamie Oliver about what to play after that, Only seconds later the house was raided by 200 coppers dressed as Noel Edmunds.


Geoff's doing a stretch of eight years for sheer strength, while Jimmy got off with it with a caution.


Jamie Oliver is still working as a grass for the NYPD.

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Mine would be at Daft Punk's house and Geoff Capes would be on the decks playing back to back with Jimmy Corkhill from 'brookie'


Halfway into the night there will be an argument between Geoff and Jimmy about who was gonna play 'agadoo', In a desperate attempt to impress the 'Daft Punk' Jimmy texted his good friend Jamie Oliver about what to play after that, Only seconds later the house was raided by 200 coppers dressed as Noel Edmunds.


Geoff's doing a stretch of eight years for sheer strength, while Jimmy got off with it with a caution.


Jamie Oliver is still working as a grass for the NYPD.



I like it, I've changed my mind and I'm coming to your club at Daft Punks house. The tower of refuge can fuck off. Got any Gipsy Kings?



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Just spent 20 minutes writing what my club would look like, inside and out, then when it came to location i thought- in the Isle of Man? Nah, the clubbers would spoil my creation over here with their wank attitude and kakalack music, so fuck it, i'll have a resturant instead please.

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Mine would be at Daft Punk's house and Geoff Capes would be on the decks playing back to back with Jimmy Corkhill from 'brookie'


Halfway into the night there will be an argument between Geoff and Jimmy about who was gonna play 'agadoo', In a desperate attempt to impress the 'Daft Punk' Jimmy texted his good friend Jamie Oliver about what to play after that, Only seconds later the house was raided by 200 coppers dressed as Noel Edmunds.


Geoff's doing a stretch of eight years for sheer strength, while Jimmy got off with it with a caution.


Jamie Oliver is still working as a grass for the NYPD.



I like it, I've changed my mind and I'm coming to your club at Daft Punks house. The tower of refuge can fuck off. Got any Gipsy Kings?





Gypsy kings...hmmmm, i dont know but there was a packet of gypsy creams on the coffee table, which jimmy smased in a euphoric state of manic-ness when the door came through.

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If i had a club, it would have a series of challenges to get through before you made it to the entrance.


1. A door with "free burberry/lacoste gear this way" on, would filter most of them out (into a huge vat of fish guts).


2. A voice recognition chamber, with "hay boy" technology built in, any detection and in the fish guts you go.


3. A final queue that is so thin that single file and no pushing in is only possible. then I would let you in.


Beyond a plaza of Bars, Karaoke room with instrumental titles only, a comedy club, a hard as nails room, a dirty room with your filthy house breaks, beats and ballistic bongo's, and finally a funky room for the generals

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