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John Houghton's Claims

The Old Git

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I know it's a little old now, but




OUTSPOKEN MHK John Houghton has been told prove that members have been lied to in the Keys.

But he reckons he won't have any shortage of material to back his claims!


I see recently that he was "let off" having to prove his claims




Were they afraid of what evidence he would bring before Tynwald?

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I don't think anyone would be shocked for Mr Houghton to prove this, perhaps it would be easier to prove the reverse, less paper to carry.


I heard J H on Manx Radio 'Agenda' last night. . . I listened very carefully and can quite honestly say I am no wiser

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In a rather lucid moment I would suggest that no money is 'wasted' in the Isle of Man. Don't believe that for a moment. Those £millions have homes to go to and BMWs and such to buy.


IRIS, New Hospital, MEA, Gov Buildings etc,


Nope, it isn't wasted at all. It ALL goes somewhere. And as long as some people are managing to take money out of the fat bank that is the Isle of Man just now and putting it into their back pockets, it isn't 'wasted'. Immorally takn from the people of the Island maybe, but not 'wasted', as in strangely disappearing.


The Isle of Man - a micrososm of greed, corruption and inept Government. And the real big £takers are just using the Government to feed them the bucks.


IRIS, New Hospital, MEA, Gov Buildings etc,


And by Government of course, I don't just mean the politicians.

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