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I also went to balla in the 90's and think it has greatly improved and if you like has moved with the times in the facilties it has on offer.


The only reason its got a "Drugs" image is bacause it is open and honest. There was a minor incident when i was there and it made sure it was dealt with properly not like a lot of schools who seem to try and sweep it all under the carpet as not to tarnish thier reputation.


xx :) xx

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is that verifiable anyway that KWC has the 'best' academic record 'to date' - by what yardstick/criteria? 'Best' is a pretty vague statement...pupil:teacher ratio? GSCE 'pass' rate, most students with 4 A grades at a level etc?


Going by the G.C.S.E. results and A Level results.

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All the schools are pretty much the same:


They all have drugs and bullying. They always have and they always will do. There isn't an organisation in the world that doesn't have drugs and bulling. Its the attitude of the child that maters more than anything.


Its up to the child what they do. They want to do drugs, they will do them, they want to learn they will. I was at balla only a few years ago, damn straight there were drugs and bullying going on and there was just as much going on in every other school. King Williams collage was even worse cus the kids had cash. They were doing beak at break!


I knew kids that were hard workers until they hit pubity then it all goes tits up. Thats cus the parents were to strict and didnt let them live their life. I knew a guy that got 11 A's in GCSE then hit uni and picked up a drug habbit and dropped out.


Kids need to be educated in life. Hiding them away from it is the worse thing to do. There is little wrong with drugs as long as they are not abused.


I didnt bully and I was never bullied. I am a darky as well, a prime target for any would be bully, you gotta have the right atttude.


Obviously ballakermeen is crap at teaching typing and grammer as you can tell!

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All the schools are pretty much the same:


They all have drugs and bullying. They always have and they always will do. There isn't an organisation in the world that doesn't have drugs and bulling. Its the attitude of the child that maters more than anything.


Its up to the child what they do. They want to do drugs, they will do them, they want to learn they will. I was at balla only a few years ago, damn straight there were drugs and bullying going on and there was just as much going on in every other school. King Williams collage was even worse cus the kids had cash. They were doing beak at break!


I knew kids that were hard workers until they hit pubity then it all goes tits up. Thats cus the parents were to strict and didnt let them live their life. I knew a guy that got 11 A's in GCSE then hit uni and picked up a drug habbit and dropped out.


Kids need to be educated in life. Hiding them away from it is the worse thing to do. There is little wrong with drugs as long as they are not abused.


I didnt bully and I was never bullied. I am a darky as well, a prime target for any would be bully, you gotta have the right atttude.


Obviously ballakermeen is crap at teaching typing and grammer as you can tell!


Yes the use of " UR " is quite obvious they are a shite school, but then again if you walk into that school you'll notice that most of the students appear to have scouse as a second language.

Strange that..........


Now Castlerushen, that's a school that rocks.

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