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Phil Braidwood Knows What He's Doing?


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As extra-bonus material: A drive through the corner




I enjoyed the film and was waiting for the driver to turn round and bufoon in front of the camera. And then a clip of you and some mates sharing a pint of satisfying cider in a Douglas restaurant.

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I heard a rumour that the windy corner is being moved to the ballamoda straight to slow down traffic. Can anyone tell me if this is fact?


That is in fact absolutely true. In turn Ballamodha Straight is being moved to The Quarterbridge to speed up the flow of traffic into Douglas and the QB (pub included) is going to Windy Corner to slow traffic and to give the sheep up there a place to enjoy a pint

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Phil waves and says "Hi There!"



(if this causes offence, feel free to remove it. I am not suggesting the Honorable R. P. Braidwood has some or any Nazi connections, nor am I suggesting he sits in a chair with the manx flag behind him)


Following a request, ze picture has bien removed :)

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Haha nice one


I think this nazi will be stripped of power this year, what has he done for his voters ?


A lot of these deadwoods need ousting from power.


What i do agree with is the need for some of these bad drivers to be re-educated.


If someone is convicted of causing an accident what needs to be done is they are not allowed to drive again until they have taken a advanced driving course, to refresh there skills and teach them that they responsable for their actions.


The standard of driving on the isle of man is disgusting.

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Does anyone have any statistics on the number of fatal accidents at Windy Corner, compared to the rest of the roads/junctions etc on the Island??


IMHO it is not the road or vehicles that are dangerous, but more the way people drive, - kind of a bit like saying guns or knives are dangerous - they aren't dangerous at all on their own, only when weilded by someone who has no training, or respect for what they are handling.


I can't see how making the corner more "passible" at faster speeds could in anyway shape or form actually make it any safer.


The whole thing for me seems to be a complete waste of time and money, and a huge amount of stupidity shown by who-ever came up with this ridicuous idea in the first place.


I went through my "boy racer" days when I was younger - I've done a few stupid things driving, had a couple of crashes and fortunately learned from my experiences and I'm still here to talk about them, - but cars & bikes are a lot more powerful now than they were 20 years ago, so maybe it would help if people who had recently passed their test were restricted to maybe a certain engine size, or have vehicles that could be "restricted" in some way for a couple of years so the drivers would hopefully gain the experience that they need to drive more safely.


- I'm only speaking from my own experiences here - I have certainly learned from stupid mistakes I have made in the past, - it's a very exciting thing when you first have a vehicle/pass your driving test - I certainly wanted to see how fast I could go, I have since learned that getting to your destination is far more important than how fast you can get there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I gather there was a move in keys this week to try to stop this Windy Corner nonesense but the vote was defeated. I also gather that Mr Bell and Mr Rodan absented themselves for the vote because of a 'constituency interest'

WTF is that all about?

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Just a thought but how the hell is this going to take seven weeks to complete?


I'd perhaps understand if there were drains, water and gas mains to relocate but it is the mountain road. Seven weeks to basically dig a hole and then fill it in again seems a tad long.


Then again it will probably be completed much sooner and the DoT will proclaim how great they are :rolleyes:

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I must admit I am looking forward to seeing Mr B canvass for this election.


He is the sort of guy who will spend an hour on your doorstep deciding whether to use the knocker or the bell before realising that nobody is in. I don't think that decisions have ever played a major role in his life.

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I must admit I am looking forward to seeing Mr B canvass for this election.


He is the sort of guy who will spend an hour on your doorstep deciding whether to use the knocker or the bell before realising that nobody is in. I don't think that decisions have ever played a major role in his life.


Right so the fact that he made the decision on the prison when the previous Home Affairs Ministers hadn't and wanted it re-evaluated over and over, the fact that he sorted the pay dispute for the Fire Department, and that he recently made the decision to implement the Ballamodha speed limits.


Compare that with a lot of the others who do precisely bugger all - he may take time evaluating all the evidence but at least he does make decisions unlike others who just wan't investigations into everything and don't make decisions if it may affect their popularity.


Learn to look at all the evidence before making stupid comments.

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