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Phil Braidwood Knows What He's Doing?


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I gather there was a move in keys this week to try to stop this Windy Corner nonesense but the vote was defeated. I also gather that Mr Bell and Mr Rodan absented themselves for the vote because of a 'constituency interest'

WTF is that all about?


No really. . . why did they feel unable to represent their constituents in this (or any other friggin) matter?

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Manx Independent 10/03/2006


Ministers who disagree with government policy often have little choice but to leave the chamber for the vote as 'free' votes - when they can vote the way they like - are rare.

Mr Bell said: "Normally I am not allowed to disagree with Council [of Ministers] policy. As the Windy Corner issue directly affects my constituency, I felt it was inappropriate to stay and vote for something I fundamentally disagree with."

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I see they have delayed the start by a week until 13th March whilst the Laxey roadworks are completed. I can see this ending dangerously close to TT week. All it needs is a bit of snow

Have you seen the forecast for tonight! :lol:



Issued at 11.45am on Saturday 11th March


Staying dry this afternoon but turning cloudy & feeling quite cold as the southeasterly breeze freshens. Top temperature 6 Celsius / 43 F.


This evening a band of sleet and snow will spread in from the west, becoming heavier & continuing overnight as winds touch gale force. Around 10cm of snow is possible overnight, especially on high ground where drifting and blizzards are likely.


:lol: laughing my nuts off! :P

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I must admit I am looking forward to seeing Mr B canvass for this election.


He is the sort of guy who will spend an hour on your doorstep deciding whether to use the knocker or the bell before realising that nobody is in. I don't think that decisions have ever played a major role in his life.


Right so the fact that he made the decision on the prison when the previous Home Affairs Ministers hadn't and wanted it re-evaluated over and over, the fact that he sorted the pay dispute for the Fire Department, and that he recently made the decision to implement the Ballamodha speed limits.


Compare that with a lot of the others who do precisely bugger all - he may take time evaluating all the evidence but at least he does make decisions unlike others who just wan't investigations into everything and don't make decisions if it may affect their popularity.


Learn to look at all the evidence before making stupid comments.


So building the prison up North was a good idea was it?.....Court House in Douglas, Lawyers in Athol Street; another huge capital expenditure scheme which will run over budget?


It will be interesting to see IF the speed limit on Ballamodha actually makes any difference to vehicle accidents......as with this ridiculous project on the mountain - who the hell DID originally come up with the idea anyway, can someone give us a name?


Why don't ALL the commuters go up in their cars and do a demo....from both sides!


He sure has affected his popularity - a real 'vote' winner this one, I'm a constitiuent of his & guess what? Brenda Cannell must be laughing up her sleeve :D

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Manx Independent 10/03/2006


Ministers who disagree with government policy often have little choice but to leave the chamber for the vote as 'free' votes - when they can vote the way they like - are rare.

Mr Bell said: "Normally I am not allowed to disagree with Council [of Ministers] policy. As the Windy Corner issue directly affects my constituency, I felt it was inappropriate to stay and vote for something I fundamentally disagree with."

Thanks Lonan3

I guessed as much but it wasn't made clear in the report I heard on the radio.

Hmmm I suppose given the circumstances its better not to vote 'for' rather than be seen to vote 'against' your own govt. But hardly great representation of their constituents interests and still can't see the need for it either which is an added frustration ;)

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So building the prison up North was a good idea was it?.....Court House in Douglas, Lawyers in Athol Street; another huge capital expenditure scheme which will run over budget?


It will be interesting to see IF the speed limit on Ballamodha actually makes any difference to vehicle accidents......as with this ridiculous project on the mountain - who the hell DID originally come up with the idea anyway, can someone give us a name?


Why don't ALL the commuters go up in their cars and do a demo....from both sides!


He sure has affected his popularity - a real 'vote' winner this one, I'm a constitiuent of his & guess what? Brenda Cannell must be laughing up her sleeve :D


'Up North'?? You make it sound like some mammoth trek of hundreds of miles when its only about 30 miles from anywhere else on the island - compare that with the UK where inmates are put in a prisons that can be several hundred miles from their relatives. Not everything has to be built in/or around Douglas.


'Another huge capital expenditure scheme which will run over budget' - Like it or not, the prison had to be built, as the government was due to be heavily fined by the court of human rights due to the state of the old prison as it was one of the only prisons in Europe to still have 'slopping out'.

Also if you listened to Manx Radio recently they commented on how quickly the prison was being built due to the area already being flattened by the RAF and the use of prefabricated concrete blocks.

Of course, if the Ballafletcher site had been chosen then a lot of money would have had to be spent flattening the area - which then of course other people would have complained about saying 'why didn't you choose a site that was already flat.' On subjects like these you are damned if you do and damned if you dont. Whether it runs over budget or not remains to be seen.


We will wait and see if the Ballamodha limits have an effect, but I know if I lived on the straight I would prefer to pull out of my drive on to 40-50 zone rather than a derestricted one. Of course if you had to travel all the way 'Down South' like 'Up North' it may slightly slow you down but its not the entire straight that is is restricted - most of it is still derestricted.


If you choose not to vote for him next election then that is your choice, other constituents may vote for him because of the things he has done - everyone is entitled to their opinion.


Brenda Cannell may be your choice but she certainly isn't mine, a few friends of mine know her and say she has more faces that a rubiks cube - the only thing she has been bothered about in the past few years has been the Tobacco Bill - not because she is fighting for the rights of smokers - its simply because she is a smoker and it directly affects her.

The only thing that stands out for me about her is that she consistently votes against 'the majority' whether she believes in it or not.

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Enforcer - You make some good points re 'distance' but this is a small island so Up North does seem far!


I wanted to make the point of 'costs' escalating; from transporting inmates to the court; lawyers going to & fro; staff travel costs will be high - all further paid for by the tax payer.


Like the new hospital people will have to get in their cars to access another public building, so adding more traffic to the roads....is Douglas just to be full of offices?


From what you said about BC's attitude then I may very well have to consider another candidate.....or as at the recent PAG meeting someone mentioned that the voting card should also have a box saying 'none of the above'?


Perhaps you should stand yourself !-))

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Fair enough - I would stand but I don't like to be in 'the firing line' as it were, but you have to take your hat off to the ones that do not a job that I would want myself.


Also I forgot to mention that there is due to be video conferencing technology at the new prison which will negate not all but the majority of travel that lawyers will have to make.


I believe also that many Jurby residents are pleased with the new prison project due to the regeneration of the area in respect to utilities and also the retail outlets in the area will get more trade.


As regards the Windy Corner works, from what I have read the work has been on the cards for the last couple of years for road safety purposes and it was simply that the work has now reached the top of the priority list and that the police and health and safety had recommended the work be carried out on closed roads due to the possibility of injury to workmen. You can't really argue with that now can you?!!


Well lets start up a campaign for manx forum members to stand for the keys given that we have more opinions that a lot of the back bench MHKS!! Do you fancy yourself as the MHK Flash of Douglas East !! Hehe :)


You raised some good points yourself but I suppose we all have differing opinions !!

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I must admit I am looking forward to seeing Mr B canvass for this election.


He is the sort of guy who will spend an hour on your doorstep deciding whether to use the knocker or the bell before realising that nobody is in. I don't think that decisions have ever played a major role in his life.


Right so the fact that he made the decision on the prison when the previous Home Affairs Ministers hadn't and wanted it re-evaluated over and over, the fact that he sorted the pay dispute for the Fire Department, and that he recently made the decision to implement the Ballamodha speed limits.


Compare that with a lot of the others who do precisely bugger all - he may take time evaluating all the evidence but at least he does make decisions unlike others who just wan't investigations into everything and don't make decisions if it may affect their popularity.


Learn to look at all the evidence before making stupid comments.


Tough. As far as most people in his constituency (including me) are concerned the chap is a chocolate teapot.


They only reason people before him didn't agree on the prison is because the cost is a joke. It still is but he couldn't make a decision so said "yes" and then prompty left Home Affairs leaving someone else to put up with falkl out of the almost guaranteed budget overrun.


You only hear from him in the run up to any election because he hibernates for four years immediately after any election.

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I see they have delayed the start by a week until 13th March whilst the Laxey roadworks are completed. I can see this ending dangerously close to TT week. All it needs is a bit of snow



And you got your wish LOL. Now if it sticks around for a week maybe the whole thing will get binned due to lack of time before TT.

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Can't work because of snow/rain/wind/locusts/pertilence/fill in your own reason, due to H&S concerns. I know what to do, do the work in March when the weather is at its worst.

Now that's genius!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Just a thought but how the hell is this going to take seven weeks to complete?


I'd perhaps understand if there were drains, water and gas mains to relocate but it is the mountain road. Seven weeks to basically dig a hole and then fill it in again seems a tad long.


Then again it will probably be completed much sooner and the DoT will proclaim how great they are :rolleyes:


*feels smug*


Surprise surprise

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Hey! that's a good idea, I'm sure the Positive Action Group would 'love' to get a Post going re new candidates for the November elections.


'Some' people love positions of superiority.....but I aint one of them either.


Maybe Jurby will become 'the' desirable place to live!? - good to hear about the video conferencing though as Lawyers sure do eat up the Public Purse and that can be just going for a pee!


I'm not going 'to go off on one' re Windy Corner suffice to say......make the roads smoother, wider and you'll get more & more cars (65,000? Private last count, in fact the new no's will be out soon!) - oh & yes they'll be going so much faster on that lovely road :-(


Isle of Cars is what we should call ourselves.

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'New numbers' Flash - are you sure you're from around these parts...?


Yep! The gov't Dept of Economics tots the figures up every 31/3 but don't expect them to be there for a while.....but please do confirm my figures by trying. <_<


In fact if you go to there web site they are obtainable on there I was told but it didn't work for me!


I just go to their offices on Circular Rd.

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