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Alex Brindley


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I agree, considering the fact that he's on holiday at the moment and hasn't even got the chance to defend himself. I think it should be considered as a bit underhand. This could have been raised whilst he had the opportunity to respond.



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He might start up a Gay show for all the HoMo supporters on here that might make you happy :)


Maybe he'll start a section on Internet Dating so you don't have to click on adverts to dating websites.

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I must admit I am not a fan of the guy or his show but I know I'd feel pretty off if a bunch of guys on an internet forum slagged me off - it obviously is enjoyed by some people so maybe we should ease off unless we are willing to hold up our names and tell him to his face

I agree Rhumsaa. I don't like the personal attacks that often are made here on people, who by the nature of their public profile, are unable to retaliate. It seems a bit cowardly because you can slag someone off, impugn their character, criticise how well they do their job and how much they get paid, anonymously and without any fear that you will be contradicted by the poor sod that has just got to swallow it!


MHKs are different; they deserve lampooning at every juncture!

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It's refreshing to read that on these forums, there are some people out there who are willing to speak out and say when things go a bit too far. I personally believe that things have gone too far here. Before anyone suggests that I am Alex's mum, girlfriend, sister or otherwise...I'm not. Nor am I an employee of MR. Yes I've met the guy a couple of times but only because he's the same age as me and our paths have crossed e.g. College etc.


This guy provides (imho) an excellent breakfast show in the mornings. Yes, it's daft at times...but so was Chris Evan's in the morning and he too had quite a following. So if you don't like it don't listen. Stu Peter's is a man who is big enough and ugly enough to stick up for himself. I find that the banter between the two is fun. They are playing a part!


I was brought up that if I couldn't say something nice, say nothing at all. I think these personal attacks are rather disgusting and as for bringing 'gay' into it...it all seems to be verging on slanderous. These forums are a ticking time bomb if people continue to make the allegations they do. We've already lost other forums...


I'm sure MR will be happy to hear from you and welcome any suggestions you may have for improving the show. Or perhaps you might fancy having a bash at being a presenter yourself...since your so full of what's good and bad!


It is my experience that often people who come across as big headed or full of their own importance are a lot more insecure and unhappy with themselves that you would ever believe...and also people who are bitchy and callous about others are jealous, because they see a person they would like to be!


Keep up the good work Alex, and take no nonsense from these sad muppets!

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He might start up a Gay show for all the HoMo supporters on here that might make you happy :)


Maybe he'll start a section on Internet Dating so you don't have to click on adverts to dating websites.



Its a good job one of the pictures of the local women on that site was not your missus, imagine the stick you would have got, or better still one of the forum members making your breakfast would have bee the killer :huh:

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It is my experience that often people who come across as big headed or full of their own importance are a lot more insecure and unhappy with themselves that you would ever believe...and also people who are bitchy and callous about others are jealous, because they see a person they would like to be!

Paging ans to thread.....

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Well i would have no problem telling him to his face, he is a wannabe local celeb or pleb.


I personally think there must be better people than this guy to listen too in the morning.


Chris Williams was ok when he had the slot, but this guy needs to dislodge his silver rectum spoon.


Tw@t Tw@t Tw@t old boy!!!

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I don't see the problem. I know it's a cliche, but if you really don't like Bin Lids show, then don' t listen. There are two local alternatives, and any number of choices from across the water - nobody is making you listen to Manx Radio.


And for those of you who think you could do better, I'm sure that any local radio station would love to hear from you - running a breakfast show and getting it right is one of the hardest shows on the radio to pull off because there really is so much to pack in to it - news, traffic, a bit of banter, some decent music and you have to sound lively. Can you imagine if some boring bastard woke you up every morning telling you of his back pain and how he couldn't get to sleep because the neighbours were arguing all night?


Manx Radio can bleat on about their breakfast show being the most listened to in the world, or whatever they say, but I think even they woudl admit that it's all been downhill since Stu Lowe left. And what ever happened to ben hartley - he used to be quite good.


Alex has a 'style', he is the marmite of manx radio - some people love it, some people hate it, but nobody is forced to listen to it, and as long as his boss is happy with him, and the advertisers are paying up, then i don't suppose it really matters what a couple of jealous disgruntled idiots geeking around on an internet forum under anonymous pseudonyms really think.

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blah...blah....blah......and the advertisers are paying up.....blah....blah

That could be a valid point though. Are the regular advertisers still happy? Why have the Steam Packet pulled the 'live' SeaWatch reports. Because they couldn't justify the prices that MR wanted?

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