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Alex Brindley


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previously "That could be a valid point though. Are the regular advertisers still happy? Why have the Steam Packet pulled the 'live' SeaWatch reports. Because they couldn't justify the prices that MR wanted?"


if I were cold called and approached to advertise on MR and was given the speil and was told the adverts for a campaign would cost £x (being a trillion billion more than spent already on advertising) then I would want some "guarantee" about say increased turnover/market share. I mean does anyone ever look at their turnover figures before advertsing and work out how much extra in turnover they need to cover the advertising costs? and before signing up to repeat advertising how many work out whether the original cost did bring in sufficient turnover to cover the advertsing costs. In my experience Ad people are always good at the initial sales pitch and promise the earth...but when its not delivered they always says its not their fault or teh fault of the advert...surprise surprise NOT!!!


..makes you wonder about advertising on radio..and especially if you are a monopoly why bother unless you have a particular scheme to promote....

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In a morning I listen to mandate on my way to work, and positively leap to the change channel button as soon as he read the weather, if I'm a little slow on response, and actually hear the "joke" he starts off with, it ruins my morning.


However, he sounds like a paragon of broadcasting professionalism compared to that Kerry woman who has been doing the drive home slot of late. It sounds like someone let the secretary loose on the mike by accident. Although I don't yet hit the change channel button, theres a strange fascination in listening to something so bad.


I heard a bit of the afternoon show yesterday, tuned in, Led Zep whole lotta love, fantastic, cranked it up and enjoyed the sunshine, then the secretary comes on, and says "next we will be having some duran duran". Its like a bizarre fifth dimension thats sneaked into my reality.

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How could anyone write this sort of thing about themselves????

Have a look!!!!



It is "The Official Alex Brindley Site" though, just in case anyone gets it mixed up with the many other Alex Brindley fanboy sites out there

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Breakfast radio - other than news programmes - is crap, and it doesn't really matter what station you listen to. On the odd occasions when I'm awake enough to listen, I listen to Mandate and then switch off or change channels. At the same time, I'm sure there are lots of people who specifically tune in to Brindley's show and, unlike me, tune to am when Mandate is on.

From the little I've heard of him, Brindley targets a specific audience and does it pretty well. It may not be what I'm wanting to listen to but, as others have said, there are plenty of alternatives.

I really don't see the point of personal attacks such as this thread.

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I listen to MR breakfast show and catch young Brindley. Its a particular style on breakfast shows and I don't really take exception to him, in fact I think he sounds like a nice lad, lacking a bit in the sagacity of age, bit like an excited labrador pup! His show is just really noise in the background while I'm doing the doings.

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I am sure that the figures for Alex's show are because of Mandate. I tune in every morning and listen to (endure?) a couple of minutes of Alex's show before and after my Mandate fix.


Alex Brindley's show must be aimed at kiddies going off to school. The 'On The John' joke spot seems a bit out of place but Chris Evans was equally childish with his 'On The Bog' joke slot on BBC Radio 1 over ten years ago.


I am sure Alex Brindley realises that this thread will raise his profile only to his benefit, despite the criticisms. His web-site stats must have risen dramatically recently too. The site makes for surreal reading!

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I thought that Kerry girl was at Energy? At least i remember the hilarious jokes about her being Gazza's daughter/niece/wife, if you think brindley's jokes aren't funny just switch onto Energy occasionally.

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I'm one normally to defend MR and Alex!


You make think she's better to look at, but I (personally) cannot stand her. She is a terrible presenter (imho) and I could not believe it when I heard she was now at MR. Unfortunately my loyalities to MR go only so far...and I'm afraid since she's appeared and I've tried to give her a chance. After the breakfast show (and the news), I now switched to 3fm!!! Unfortunately for MR, I know I'm not the only one!

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If you think about the population of the island, the percentage of people on here complaining about his show is far, far smaller than the percentage of people who actually listen to it out of choice and enjoy it.


Alex is doing a job, like any other DJ/actor/presenter... his radio persona has got to be a bit OTT. You'd be complaining if you had someone really depressed to listen to every morning. Like so many other people have said, if you don't like it, don't listen!


And let's face it... who, in the public eye, doesn't face the odd bit of criticism now again. Keep it in perspective Alex - if you weren't any good you wouldn't still be there.

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LittleOnion"You make think she's better to look at, but I (personally) cannot stand her. She is a terrible presenter (imho) and I could not believe it when I heard she was now at MR. "


Don't jobs have to be advertised to comply with work permit legislation?? Did anyone ever see the MR job she's doing advertised??

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i think you all a bit harsh on this! alex brindley is a what you see is what you get, what he is like on the radio is exactly what he is like in real life, i am a mate of his and he is a top bloke, ok we all take the p*ss out of manx radio and even i take it out of him! i think maybe another presenter alongside him may be a good idea like the chris moyles show on radio 1 theres chris moyles, comedy dave, and a few others which make it well better!


anyways the show is ok not great but it aint that bad! hopefully he will employ me to work alongside him!

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