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Alex Brindley


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“I listen to Mandate and then switch off or change channels. At the same time, I'm sure there are lots of people who specifically tune in to Brindley's show and, unlike me, tune to am when Mandate is on.”


Steven !

“I am sure that the figures for Alex's show are because of Mandate. I tune in every morning and listen to (endure?) a couple of minutes of Alex's show before and after my Mandate fix.”


....well I understand the last quarters RAJAR figures have been released but, as far as I know, no mention of them has yet been made on MR...I'm wondering why not, as they supposed to be the authoritative and recognised measure of how well (or not) a station and its shows are doing...and on which for stations that generate advertising revenue the advertsing rates for various shows are set.


In any event at this very moment I'm completeing a RAJAR survey booklet in respect of the week to date.


However as a huge concern the survey, which is done for RAJAR by Ipsos MORI, does not provide for differentiation between MR's FM and AM broadcasts. As a result although I have completed it each day for the time period 07:30 to 08:30 because thats when Mandate is on as its also running alongside AB's Breakfast Show my concern is my listening time will be allocated to the wrong show.


I have sent a strongly worded e-mail to various parties involved voicing my disquiet and serious concern at way the survey is being undertaken and that, in essence unless there is differentiation between MR's AM and FM broadcasts, its fundamentally flawed and that the results will be deceptive.


Quite how the resultant figures could be knowingly used to engage advertising or claims of listenership for the Breakfast show for the period when Manadate is broadcast and vice versa is beyond me. I have called for the survey in respect of the Isle of Man to be suspended until it can be re-drawn.

It makes you wonder how much MR is paying RAJAR (and using in part IOM taxpayers subvention monies) for flawed figures...

Are there any statisticians or market research analysists out there who can comment on the survey's methodology....

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RAJAR have been informed may times about their failure to collate Manx Radio’s data correctly. When I had a diary to fill in I commented about the failure to list AM & FM as two radio stations. I understand MR don’t want the reporting changed, it could cost them more money.


One of the biggest problems is for the local advertiser who thinks they are getting this fantastic large audience. If you look at the MR rate card Mandate is sold separately. Therefore if you spend your Manx pound between 7.30 & 8.30 you are likely to hit less people then taking out a commercial after 8.30. I far as I know MR don’t put the AM ads into Mandate. Ask a sales rep next time you take a campaign out.


It is fundamental failure of the system not to count the two services as two radio stations. It doesn’t help when Mr Brindley keeps telling everyone that he is the best thing in UK radio (see his website). If it was not for Mandate propping up his RAJAR I am certain he could not make such wildly misleading statements.


If you are advertising ask MR about for spot times, they are now also spliting at lunchtimes now!


Final thought, (as far as I know), neither Manx or Energy made a song and dance about their figures this quarter, have they made a deal to keep stum? Both where slightly up. This was the last set of figure before 3FM enters the system. I sure you can see the headline now!

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RAJAR have been informed may times about their failure to collate Manx Radio’s data correctly. When I had a diary to fill in I commented about the failure to list AM & FM as two radio stations. I understand MR don’t want the reporting changed, it could cost them more money.


One of the biggest problems is for the local advertiser who thinks they are getting this fantastic large audience. If you look at the MR rate card Mandate is sold separately. Therefore if you spend your Manx pound between 7.30 & 8.30 you are likely to hit less people then taking out a commercial after 8.30. I far as I know MR don’t put the AM ads into Mandate. Ask a sales rep next time you take a campaign out.


It is fundamental failure of the system not to count the two services as two radio stations. It doesn’t help when Mr Brindley keeps telling everyone that he is the best thing in UK radio (see his website). If it was not for Mandate propping up his RAJAR I am certain he could not make such wildly misleading statements.


If you are advertising ask MR about for spot times, they are now also spliting at lunchtimes now!


Final thought, (as far as I know), neither Manx or Energy made a song and dance about their figures this quarter, have they made a deal to keep stum? Both where slightly up. This was the last set of figure before 3FM enters the system. I sure you can see the headline now!


As the Manx Eminem says "Nobody listen's to 3FM, so let's go"


Are they in trouble, Where did Mike reynolds go? why is George Fergson out selling advertising, he came into me with some pretty desperate deals, George said in passing that Ron has other interests now (just over a year ago his own radio station was his dream according to local press), Max Hailey on 8 hours a day? According to my sister in Westbourne, he used to work on a station down there and was crap, I agree. You can tell at least 90% of the day it's recorded as it's so bland and lifeless. Only the news seems to be live, Arian needs some lessons in grammar as her stories are so badly worded (maybe she needs to re-write the press releases)


Radio 2 for a radio 2 style output!

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As the Manx Eminem says "Nobody listen's to 3FM, so let's go"

That statement is simply not true.

Lots of shops and offices do have 3FM on.

Maybe people are starting to tire of the recorded DJ’s and the fast turn around in their music choice, but like it or not, 3FM will come in with OK RAJAR figures in August. The impact on the other local broadcasters will be interesting. For the first time all stations with have “real” figures. The only problem will still be Manx Radio giving out false/no figures for the AM/FM splits.

Final thought. What happens during the 2 weeks of TT? Manx Radio is not available on AM due to a station called (Manx) Radio TT? The very fact that it is a standalone station should mean they are not counted in the RAJAR figures.

Final final thought. Maybe Energy & 3FM could start up AM services and then they can add them into their FM audience figures!

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Does anybody outside of the industry care about the RAJAR figures? Do listeners make a concerted effort to listen to the radio-show with the highest figures?


Really, this axe to grind routine is getting very tiresome.

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RAJAR (a private company) have managed to convince the 'industry' - and in particular the people selling advertising space - that the people spending the advertising budgets think that the RAJAR figures are reflective, significant and important.


And then it became a self fulfilling prophecy.

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