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Wow that was fast


Wonder how long that information had been there. Glad I have a copy in my computer (for legal reasons)!


Still available:











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why don't they use that or are they modernising with the likes of radiott2006.com or manxradiott2006.com or manxradiott.com, any of them would do. I do like listening to the bikes.

Wayne/Dan Did you have anything to do with the suggestions you put forward?

Its just strange that manxradiott.com displays the following:


Audience steadily declining in all areas for the Manx taxpayer funded radio station.

The Government are funding this station with more money every year.


Survey period

Y= yearly Adult Weekly reach Average hours Total hours 000s Share of listening %

15+ 000s 000s % Head Listener

Jun-04 Manx Radio Y 63 46 73 9 12.3 562 38.2

Sep-04 Manx Radio Y 63 44 71 10.2 14.4 638 39.9

Dec-04 Manx Radio Y 63 42 67 9.7 14.5 608 36.9

Mar-05 Manx Radio Y 63 41 65 9.1 14 569 36.5

Jun-05 Manx Radio Y 64 40 63 8.9 14.3 573 36.2

Sep-05 Manx Radio Y 64 38 60 7.7 12.8 494 32.3

Dec-05 Manx Radio Y 64 38 59 7.2 12.2 461 29.9




On checking who owns the domain name the following information came back (can you guess yet?)



Domain Name.......... manxradiott.com

Creation Date........ 2006-01-17

Registration Date.... 2006-01-17

Expiry Date.......... 2008-01-17

Organisation Name.... Juan Turner

Organisation Address. 100 Market Street

Organisation Address.

Organisation Address. Douglas

Organisation Address. IM1 4HZ

Organisation Address. Isle of Man



Why would a another radio station bother/want to own a competitiors name??

Anwsers please!



I never actually checked out my selections but those were the obvious ones you would think of.

What was on the manxradiott one? it's blank now, did mr turner put some porn on it...now that would have been hilarious but very naughty of him.


Why are you calling me wayne Mr Kelly? you think i'm some biff like waynes world or some block headed footballer? you should know who I am by now.. one of your colleagues has been dropping subtle hints to you for ages! now who's the thick one.

Believe it or not (shock horror) my name is Dan!

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Sorry to turn the vengaboys off when you were all loving the party atmosphere and throwing some shapes in all the wrong places..


1) manxradiott.com was registered by Juan ages ago when talks were in place for a joint venture between Energy & MR.


2) The website is now Blank because Juan has sold it


3) Energy FM provided Manx Radio with Live Rally reports for the RBSI Manx Rally and will be doing the same for the International Rally.


4) Manx Radio will be providing Energy FM with TT reports for TT 2006


5) Dan.. Juan did not put porn on the manxradiott.com website (read manxmedia's post properly and you will see he has posted what was on there)


6) Alias.. Juan is not the sort of person to run with his tail between his legs.


7)you may now resume with what's left of the vengaboys album and play pass the conspirator theorist parcel

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As the Chairman of Energy Radio Limited, I would like to clarify the matters surrounding the domain name www.manxradiott.com.


The domain was legitimately purchased for a specific reason (which remains between Manx Radio & Energy Fm). As Manx Radio does not have Manx Radio TT as a registered business name the purchase of the domain is not cyber squatting.


You are probably aware that Manx Radio has only started calling “Radio TT”, “Manx Radio TT” for the last couple of years. This was due to the fact that Radio Manx limited’s on air station name is Manx Radio and failure to use the licensed name is in fact a breach of licensing.


This domain name hasn't been suddenly pulled but as a result of an ongoing discussion between Energy FM & Manx Radio, for confidential reasons I am unable to give details of these discussions, however a satisfactory out come has been reached and this is the reason that this evening the page giving the RAJAR figures has been removed.


I sure certain forum members will be disappointed to learn that Manx Radio & Energy FM frequently assist each other. A recent example was during the RBS International Manx Rally, when Energy FM provided Manx Radio with live reports as they did not have any staff available and like wise Manx Radio will once again supplying Energy with a live feed from their commentary during the TT races.


Remember just because someone says something on the forum it doesn’t mean it’s true!


If any forum member has any questions or comments regarding Energy FM, please feel free to write to me or PM me through this forum. I am always happy to answer questions etc. as I would rather people had the correct answers and not half backed beliefs of people who are not in the know.







Postal address is:


Mark Wrigley


Energy Radio Limited

100 Market Street




I must learn to type faster, thanks for your post DD

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Is there a Alex brindley fan site ?


if there is will they please make some toilet roll with his head embosed on the paper, i would get great delight in wiping my @rse on it :lol:

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Mark (Man of Middle)


I'm really not interested in taking sides. I've posted for and against all the local stations...but....


Sorry but somethings just don't add up


I understand that MR where very upset with what was posted on the manxradiott.com website and had taken messures for it to be removed.


Why would your company want to use their "on-air"/brand name in such a bad way? What did you/Turner hope to get out of it?


Why, suddenly, today, after my post, was the RAJAR info removed when the site has been active since January 2006?


This has the making of a great Manx Forums Exclusive. The coms commission must surly be interested in looking to to this.

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So why the hell did it have MR's wayning audience figures on, a table shown by RAJAR?


And if there's nothing wrong with that why did you pull it half an hour after someone pointed it out (which was obviously after people noticing it upon here, or you wouldn't have created an account and replied to this thread)..


Bullshit :)


Google Cache


*This site has no connection with Radio Manx Limited or any of its subsidiaries.


Audience steadily declining in all areas for the Manx taxpayer funded radio station.

The Government are funding this station with more money every year.



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Manxmedia, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but the timing is purely coincidental. As I have already explained there has been ongoing discussions regarding the domain name. These discussions were concluded early Monday evening and as a result the webpage was removed.


I appreciate you would like to think that you have played some part in this by pointing put what has been on the domain page since January, but I’m afraid it is nothing to do with you posting.


Alias, correct, there was nothing wrong about the data on the web page, if you ask Manx Radio they will be able to confirm that the figures are were correct at the time they were published (new RAJAR figures are now out), but the reason they were removed is as stated above.



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