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Does Stu Peters Have A Second Job

Roger Smelly

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Does Stu Peters Have A Second Job


Yes, possibly as an agent for Dandara via Manx Radio to promote the"for" argument about the proposed new housing at Kirk Michael



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The problem with that interview was the dichotomy between Cannan wanting to appear unbiased (lets call a meeting to let the people's views be heard) and the ridiculously one sided nature of the question put to the meeting : "do the residents of KM want to keep the beautiful sweeping bend with magnificent scenery at the entracnce to the village or do they want it turned into a major highway junction" (or some such words)


Where was the balance? Stuart Peters job is to create discussion by putting the opposing view to the interviewee. This he tried to do.


Interestingly, when soundbites recorded after the meeting were played this morning, most of the clips seemed to be from people supportive of the plans, even though the vote went against.

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I thought the job of the presenter was to get both sides of an argument. MHK David Cannan was given free reign on Monday to express his point of view, today I heard a clip from the people who disagreed with him.


Seems to me that a swap of 1.8 acres for .85 acre is a pretty good deal - and it's a better site for the playing field.


Surely it's academic anyway - Heritage owns the land - albeit with poor access - to build an estate, and it's zoned for residential development. The commissioners have open minds and are keen to do a good deal for the village. Cannan refused to get off the fence when interviewed (it IS an election year!), but a pal of mine who lives in KM told me the way he phrased the vote was VERY interesting...


BTW - I don't work for Dandara either. Or get brown envelopes, except those containing bills. Or live in KM...

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