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Isle Of Man - Short For Isle Of Manic Depressives ?!

The Enforcer

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Even though I like to go on these forums and give my two penneth worth every so often, I am amazed that about 90% of the topics on the LocalNews section seem to have evolved into winging and complaining about things that most of us really don't have any control over !!


Yes I appreciate that alot of local topics can be frustrating for us - Mountain Closures / MER bills etc.. but at the end of the day winging and complaining does about as much good as the old Mannin Line regulars.


I prefer to have a glass is half full approach to life but it appears that not a lot of other people on the forums do - and the winging devolves into a slagging match of whoever is in charge of the situation.


If people feel so strongly about these topics then stand for election and make a difference - hot air gets you nowhere - just ask Mannin Line regular Marge Joughin !!


I know alot of people will attack me for my views but I expect that on these forums !! :P


Possibly this is also why the 'negative' MHKs seem to be held in such high regard (Cannell, Houghton, Cannan) - some people consider them not to be 'nodding donkeys' but the way I see them is that they hardly do anything off their own bat and find it much easier to attack other MHKs for not doing this or not doing that.


If people are so unhappy with the island the way it is, then its simple move to the UK or elsewhere and see if you are better off !!


Feel free to post your comments - I know I may come in for an assault from all angles for this post....I start setting up the baracades now... :D

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Yes, manic depression is nothing to do with having a negative attitude. It's what Spike Milligan suffered from. Manic times, where everything is hectic and non-stop, and other times of severe depression. Not much middle ground.


Having a rant now and then is OK, but some do nothing but, and it does get a bit tiring.

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If everybody who didn’t like what they saw on the Island DID take the morning boat rather than at least decry what is foul then after a period of time you would be left with ----


Exactly what you have.

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I know alot of people will attack me for my views but I expect that on these forums !! .....No they won't surely ;)


If people are so unhappy with the island the way it is, then its simple move to the UK or elsewhere and see if you are better off !! ........Better do it before the end of March then ... have you checked the Steam Racket fares for a car and passengers........ oops sorry another winge :rolleyes:

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I know alot of people will attack me for my views but I expect that on these forums !! .....No they won't surely ;)


If people are so unhappy with the island the way it is, then its simple move to the UK or elsewhere and see if you are better off !! ........Better do it before the end of March then ... have you checked the Steam Racket fares for a car and passengers........ oops sorry another winge :rolleyes:





Nearly chocked on my drink when I read that link, was just going to book a car + 2 people for a week away!!!


Think I'll be flying now and using the train or a hire car.

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I know alot of people will attack me for my views but I expect that on these forums !! .....No they won't surely ;)


If people are so unhappy with the island the way it is, then its simple move to the UK or elsewhere and see if you are better off !! ........Better do it before the end of March then ... have you checked the Steam Racket fares for a car and passengers........ oops sorry another winge :rolleyes:





Nearly chocked on my drink when I read that link, was just going to book a car + 2 people for a week away!!!


Think I'll be flying now and using the train or a hire car.


I know this isn't a Steam Racket topic ..... but have you noticed that not only are the fare outrageous but they've also put up the 1st class seats from £10 to £12.50, hopefully others, like myself, who didn't mind paying a tenner for a bit of piece and quiet, will refuse to pay the increase and once the 1st class is empty they'll bring the prices back to a tenner. Here's hoping but not holding my breath. Read those fares and weep Department of Tourism and Leisure!!! :blink:

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The isle of man is a one off, its a manx man's right to moan, its breed into us at a young age to winge.


Its a way of getting rid of stress.


Have you ever been to anywhere like here in the world i know i have not.


We should get to tourism department to promote it "Come to the Isle of Man happy then go back sad"

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