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Beatfix Show, Bug Beaten

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Tonight (thursday), from 8-12pm, the return of the, fit-again, Beatfix Show, innit.


New feature added too, Askay (ask K). DJK has returned to our shores after a lengthy battle against Thais fella-birds, Chinese :shuriken: Manooja's and lots of other wierd and wonderful far Eastern stuff. He's joining us again as show resident, but you, yes YOU have the chance to grill him about his travels in our new feature. Simply PM me with questions and i'll shine a bright shiny light type thing in his face and Paxman the fella for your entertainment. Make the questions as daft, funny or factual as you like, then sit back and listen to him squirm!


Apart from that, its the usual brazen Breaks, hunky House, and exquisite Electro from the'K, Vixen and myself. Old Skool selection, this weeks Biggest Tune and much more besides.


www.mflive.com is where its at.


Chatroom is up there on the top right of this page too, see, says Live Chat you numptee! :o


Beats, biscuits and blarney, what more do you need on a thursday evening!

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