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Laa Columb Killey


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Is it today I thought it was usually a Thursday?


But when I passed yesterday they were just setting it up.


I once came third in one of the craft contests. I was dead pleased until I realised there were four entries and I'd entered two of them!


The best bit about Laa Columb was that if you lived in Colby or Ballabeg you got an extra afternoon off school.

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It was postponed, due to the weather, from yesterday (Thursday).


I always relate Laa Columb with Wimbledon. Afternoon off school, watch a bit of the tennis, go down the field, eat cakes, drink beer.

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I miss having the afternoon off for that too.


It always seemed such a "sickens you" on all the other kids who had to stay in school because they didn't live in Arbory.

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It's the Arbory parish fair.


Can't remember a great deal of the historical stuff behind it despite having been most years since being a toddler and kicking people's ass in the BMX race many a time! ;)

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