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An Idiot Is An Idiot Regardless Of What They Are Doing..


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Yesterday evening I walked through a nice big pile of dogshit that some kindly dog owner had allowed his pet to drop right outside my house. I like dogs but I will happily boot the mutt in the crackers if I see this happening again

Better do that to the owners.


Yes, I suppose the dogs know no better, really.


And you're right Cret, it was harder to get all the shiite off than cleaning a Breville toaster

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I'm not branding all dog walkers as selfish idiots - but this was the scene today at South Barrulle plantation. Yes, that is two bags of shit hung from the main access gate where just about everyone who uses the plantation walks in.


What the hell were these individuals thinking ?


A little bit of background info. I bumped into one of the forestry workers last week who was going round putting the "Don't let your dog crap here" signs up - or as he put it "putting them back up".


Seems DAFF have decided that they don't want people leaving big steaming piles of dog shit in the middle of these particular forest roads as they are used by other people who don't have dogs, maybe people out for a walk, maybe mountain bikers etc etc.


So they have decided that certain plantations will be used for specific recreational purposes. Chibannagh is 'the dog walkers plantation' and south barrule is the 'rest of us plantation'.


But the dog walkers aren't happy so they have been tearing the signs down.


That was last sunday. I was in south barrule yesterday and went through this very gate.


Then today on my way into the plantation there was one bag of shit hung on the gate. On the way back there was two bags of shit.


What the fuck are you thinking ? By putting the shit of YOUR dog on the gate that you can affect DAFF ? Nope all you are doing is exposing the rest of us to your filthy fucking habits. I have to go through this gate. Tomorrow there is a Mountain Bike event and I guess it will be one of the organisers who has to remove it not a DAFF worker you filthy fucking bastards.


It staggers me that someone could stoop so low as to do this.


You can not justify it so don't bother trying. Don't give me any lip about "There aren't any bins". You brought the shit out in a dog shaped container in your car so you take it home.


Apologies for the bad language but this has really pissed me off.

do you know what they were doing? dont you know anyone with dogs or have eyes? People walk their dog and most intend to pick up the shit and bin it. But a lot of places don't have many bins, so they (we, I have 2 german shepherds) bag it up, and leave it in a place they know they will be back through on their way back to the car then collect it then and bin it or take it home. It simply saves having to carry it for the entire duration of the walk. Walk around anywhere that people frequent with dogs and you will see tied up bags waiting to be collected on the way back. Your picture shows the bags are hung on the locked part of the gate, probably because someone whose dog shit they collected on the way in knowing there were no bins in the plantation thought that bit of the gate would not be used, as the swing gate access is to the left, or they thought it would be easily spottable and they wouldn't forget or others would be less likely to tread on the bag or something.


On a related note, what gives with banning dogs from the countryside? animal shit is perfectly natural and biodegradable, not like the oil from pushbikes left in some race where the terrain gets torn up. banning a dog means banning the owner, people who are perfectly entitled to have a walk in the outdoors. I might go there to indulge in a bit of sign tearing myself. get a life people and worry about something other than people out enjoying the outdoors and animals doing what comes naturally. you go in the countryside, expect to have to watch your step. Its uneven terrain, there is always plenty of dirt and mud and often litter or dog doo to watch for.


as long as dog shit is not on the pavements in the towns there where is the problem?

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Yes, I see now. How could I have been so stupid? Of course they were going to pick them up on the way back.


Must have been a long walk as they were still there the next day.


As a result I'm going to stick with my original theory that they tied them to the chain as they knew the only people who would unlock it would be a DAFF worker.


Except it wasn't. It was a member of the Mountain Bike Club who had to unlock the gate to allow ambulance access into the plantation at the race the next day. Oil left by mountain bikes ? Don't make me laugh ! The amount of oil on a mountain bike chain is less than 5ml and its incredibly sticky stuff that clings to the chain. If it wasn't it would be washed off in the first puddle. You are seriously clutching at straws.


And of course removing the signs is really effective protest as the DAFF budget would clearly not stretch to more than one run of signs...


You can't see it in the picture (as I snipped it out) but the original shows in the background a lady with children and a pram - heading right for the shit....


And they aren't banning dogs, just telling you that you are responsible for the mess they leave and to remove it. But of course you'd rather just leave it in the middle of the track wouldn't you ?


Do you have any idea why DAFF decided that dog owners should remove the dog shit ?


I'm not 100% sure but I guess its probably due to the fact that Manx Sport And Recreation hold junior MTB fun days in South Barrule where children from age 8 to 15 are encouraged to go and use the plantation in an attempt to get them to keep fit and to respect the environment. Just four days after the dog shit was spotted on the gate two parties of juniors totalling 50+ were in the forest on an MSR day. One of the things that is specifically taught is the correct use of brakes and why riders should not skid.


A quick google search found this




To save you having to read the link it basically says that unless your dog is wormed then the faeces can in certain cases cause blindness in children.


So we have dogs, we have faeces and we have children.


Why don't you just go out and grab a kid at random and poke their eyes out ? Cut out the middleman.


A google search for "Mountain bike oil blindness" didn't actually find any instances where passive oiling had resulted in blindness.


The mountain bike club pay for the privilege of holding events on DAFF land - they also work with DAFF on creating sustainable trails that can be used by all forest users.


I realise that it probably wasn't you who left the shit there but there is no way you can justify someone bagging it and leaving it where it would cause the maximum amount of hassle for people who were in no way connected with dog walking.


I've seen dog crap in the middle of kissing gates where there is no way to avoid it, I know people have found bags of shit hanging in the middle of forests etc etc.


If anything I think you will find that this might lead to more restrictions of where you can let you dog crap as since you have annoyed me again I'm going to email the pictures to the local papers and ring my MHK.


Kinda topical but just wait for the shit to hit the fan.

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If anything I think you will find that this might lead to more restrictions of where you can let you dog crap as since you have annoyed me again I'm going to email the pictures to the local papers and ring my MHK.


Kinda topical but just wait for the shit to hit the fan.


Well I guess you either think yourself important or actually are important. :rolleyes:

Not many people believe their personal annoyance will lead to action by MHks etc !

The majority of dog owners pick up and bin. I never leave the house without a small supply of doogy doo bags in my pocket.

A much bigger problem is the amount of human shit floating around in the Irish Sea.

Those of us who used to like swimming in the sea either have to accept we are swimming in a sewer or just forget about swimming.

Ive never seen anyone who has contributed to this problem fishing out their own crap so it doesnt annoy swimmers.

dont you think you might have over reacted just a teeny weeny bit ? ;)

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animal shit is perfectly natural and biodegradable.


Not when its in plastic bags.


There must be a scientific explanation for this. Does the crap become preserved by some property of the plastic bag ? Alternatively, does the crap degrade and the plastic bag stay in perfect condition ?

Has anyone experimented on this ?

I am still working on the problem of identity theft via duplicate turd tags as identified earlier by Ean.

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