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An Idiot Is An Idiot Regardless Of What They Are Doing..


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Yes, I see now. How could I have been so stupid? Of course they were going to pick them up on the way back.


Must have been a long walk as they were still there the next day.


As a result I'm going to stick with my original theory that they tied them to the chain as they knew the only people who would unlock it would be a DAFF worker.


Except it wasn't. It was a member of the Mountain Bike Club who had to unlock the gate to allow ambulance access into the plantation at the race the next day. Oil left by mountain bikes ? Don't make me laugh ! The amount of oil on a mountain bike chain is less than 5ml and its incredibly sticky stuff that clings to the chain. If it wasn't it would be washed off in the first puddle. You are seriously clutching at straws.


And of course removing the signs is really effective protest as the DAFF budget would clearly not stretch to more than one run of signs...


You can't see it in the picture (as I snipped it out) but the original shows in the background a lady with children and a pram - heading right for the shit....


And they aren't banning dogs, just telling you that you are responsible for the mess they leave and to remove it. But of course you'd rather just leave it in the middle of the track wouldn't you ?


Do you have any idea why DAFF decided that dog owners should remove the dog shit ?


I'm not 100% sure but I guess its probably due to the fact that Manx Sport And Recreation hold junior MTB fun days in South Barrule where children from age 8 to 15 are encouraged to go and use the plantation in an attempt to get them to keep fit and to respect the environment. Just four days after the dog shit was spotted on the gate two parties of juniors totalling 50+ were in the forest on an MSR day. One of the things that is specifically taught is the correct use of brakes and why riders should not skid.


A quick google search found this




To save you having to read the link it basically says that unless your dog is wormed then the faeces can in certain cases cause blindness in children.


So we have dogs, we have faeces and we have children.


Why don't you just go out and grab a kid at random and poke their eyes out ? Cut out the middleman.


A google search for "Mountain bike oil blindness" didn't actually find any instances where passive oiling had resulted in blindness.


The mountain bike club pay for the privilege of holding events on DAFF land - they also work with DAFF on creating sustainable trails that can be used by all forest users.


I realise that it probably wasn't you who left the shit there but there is no way you can justify someone bagging it and leaving it where it would cause the maximum amount of hassle for people who were in no way connected with dog walking.


I've seen dog crap in the middle of kissing gates where there is no way to avoid it, I know people have found bags of shit hanging in the middle of forests etc etc.


If anything I think you will find that this might lead to more restrictions of where you can let you dog crap as since you have annoyed me again I'm going to email the pictures to the local papers and ring my MHK.


Kinda topical but just wait for the shit to hit the fan.

I do not walk there but I can identify with anyone who feels victimised by idiots so up their own ass they complain about othe people using the land! dogs shit, they always have done. it is a natural product and I think that any dog owner who collects the shit is doing more than they should for the sake of other people. people leave litter,always have, always will, dog shit is no more or less litter. biodrgradable litter at that. Do I see you assholes complaining about glass, tin cans, campfires, or any other form of non biodegardable litter litter? no, its natural dogs shit you moan about. get a fucking life.


Bet you drive a fucking big car and pollute the environment every day but still think your in the right by complaining about dogs! doing their natural thing! people like you make me want to leave the stuff right where its lying, as it is I pick it up, but not in the country.


you make a big fuss about bags of shit, do you not realise the shit is on the inside of the bags not the outside? you expect the dog owners to collect it in their bags then carry it but cry to mommy when you spot one of these bags? and god help you if you have to touch it but its ok for us dog owners to carry it for miles? dogs are in this world along with us. learn to realise that. and don't try bringing up kids going blind we all know that has only happened about twice in the world ever!


your pathetic. if dog shit is the only thing you can think to care about I worry for your children. far worse to have an inbred uptight asswipe for a dad then fall in a bit of dog shit.


my dogs are rescue dogs I took the both of them on because they had nowhere else, its a caring thing to do in this world with cruelties happening everywhere. that assholes like you are so bothered about other people giving homes to dogs and making sure they get enough exercise by taking them out in the country makes me sick. live and let live you anal twat.

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To obvious, go back to troll 101!

It's how I feel. No more, no less. Though looking back the insults were a little harsh but I'm sure SHe will give back as good as SHe got.


You come off the fence "Glad To Be Back"! Tell us what you think about the burning issue of dogs and their litter! "Kind of agree" is just not good enough.

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I don't care about dog shit. It really isn't something to get worked up about.


However, when walking a dog I am aware that some people are irrationally annoyed by it. So for a quiet life, and to protect their blood pressure I'll clear up after the dog - it isn't a problem.


But increasingly I worry that by letting these sort of people have their way on this minor issue, as we no doubt will on smoking in public places, it will mean that their demands will become more and more shrill. And normal life will become intolerable.

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I really can't understand how you can possibly object to being asked by the land owner to take your crap with you.


Its just one forest out of 20+ so you have plenty of others to leave your little parcels in.


And what pissed me off was not that people weren't cleaning up after their dogs (as others clearly aren't) but that instead of ringing DAFF and asking why someone decided to protest by leaving bags of shit on the main gate.


And as a mountain biker I can tell you just how unpleasant it is to get covered in dog crap.


And don't deny that children can get infections from the worms in dog faeces. It does happen so exposing children to it is not a good idea. Lets just guess that there is a 1 in 500 chance that a child will end up stepping in shit, landing in shit or whatever. With MSR using that plantation it will mean that at least one child this year will be going home stinking of dog shit.


And as far as cleaning up goes we look after two cats (I'm not going to presume to own them) so at least twice a day I have the task of cleaning out their litter tray. Do I go and tie that in a bag and hang it one someones gate ? Nope I carry it to the bin.


And they also are rescue cats. And not cute little kittens either - they were nine when we got them so we know there time with us will be short but we will give them the best life we can. And then we will go and get similarly old cats as no-one really wants the older cats so they can stay in the MSPCA for quite some time while the kittens and youngers cats come and go.


Shit on gates - its not big and its not clever.

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To mission (regarding foul language): You are right. Unfortunately it is done now and all I can offer is that I feel rather strongly in the issue which as I see it is not really that important but has many makes noise about it. The vocal complaints about anything less than how you would see it in a perfect world are a frequent call in our society and it is not right! We have to live and let live!


To =^..^=, I say if the shit was left there deliberately at leats it was not smeared over the gate? The bags are not going to harm anyone! Even if they touch it like we, the dog owners, do!

I am not very good at putting my point over,never have been, too emotional.


I have edited ths post because there were replies between my typing and submitting,)


To Declan: I totally agree with your last passage!



I will replicate for clarity:


" increasingly I worry that by letting these sort of people have their way on this minor issue, as we no doubt will on smoking in public places, it will mean that their demands will become more and more shrill. And normal life will become intolerable"


To =^..^=, lots of people who own dogs also own children and are "exposed" (as your type often see it?) to dogs and their shit. As a walker I can tell you how unpleasant it is to be contronted with a speeding mountain bike when you turn a corner in the middle of the country but I accept that we all share the planet and do not go about complaining of your presence.

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OK, I do pick up after my dogs and do also leave the bag on the side of the path to collect on my return, rather than carry the bag for the rest of the walk swinging and banging against my leg! I also agree that there do seem to be some people who are offended by everything and seem very happy to make others who indulge in certain activities pariahs (eg. dog-owners, smokers, etc.).


There has been a long campaign to isolate dog owners, starting with the exclusion of dogs from pubs and now the prohibition on taking dogs onto Douglas beach during the summer months. Not that anyone else uses the beach then anyway.


But I do also think that some (quite a few actually, judging by the state of the Marine Drive) dog owners are shooting us all in the foot by not clearing up after their dog and playing into the hands of the opposition!

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And what pissed me off was not that people weren't cleaning up after their dogs (as others clearly aren't) but that instead of ringing DAFF and asking why someone decided to protest by leaving bags of shit on the main gate.


And as a mountain biker I can tell you just how unpleasant it is to get covered in dog crap.


It isnt a big deal. Fields are full of cow shit. Horses crap all over the place. The sea is full of human shit.

Birds shit everywhere incuding on me occasionally. Cats dig up my garden and hide their shit only for me to find it when Im weeding or planting.

Everything shits including yourself ..get used to it.

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and don't try bringing up kids going blind we all know that has only happened about twice in the world ever!


Actually I know somebody who is now blind in one eye. He was told that it was due to dog crap on the rugby pitch where he used to play.

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and don't try bringing up kids going blind we all know that has only happened about twice in the world ever!


Actually I now somebody who is now blind in one eye. He was told that it was due to somebody letting their dog crap of the rugby pitch where he used to play.


Did anyone get the name of this villainous scumbag ?

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